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sAman1 ... samatuSyat

0 sAm/an1
n calming, tranquillizing;
conciliation, negotiation (one of the upAya);
sAma-veda (the second veda, or an hymn from it);
abundant property, wealth
1 samAn/aA
equal, similar, alike
2 samAnayA/mAsa
he gathered and brought back
3 samAnayiS/yate
he will bring (them) together
4 samAninye
he brought together
5 samAnIt/aA
(was) brought, brought together, gathered
6 samAnIya
brought together and
7 sAmant/a
bordering, limiting, sharing a border
8 samantAd
all around, everywhere
9 samantapaJcak/a
10 samantatas
all around, completely, everywhere (has tasil)
11 samanugamy/ate
is followed
12 samanujJAt/aA
allowed by, with the permission of (third)
13 samanuprAptam
has come to be true
14 samanuvart/ate
he follows after, obeys, conforms to
15 samanvagAd
he followed, went together with (root iN', see iNogAluGi)
16 samanvay/a
regular succession or order, connected sequence, consequence, conjunction, connection
17 samanvit/aA
that has, endowed with, full of
18 samapady/ata
he became, turned into, came to be
19 samApnuhi
20 samApt/aA
completed, finished
21 samapUjay/at
he praised
22 sAmapUrv/a
friendly, kind, gentle
23 samApya
finished and
24 samar/a
battle, battlefield, combat
25 samArambh/a
plan, endeavour, enterprise, undertaking;
commencement, beginning
26 samArday/at
he struck
27 samarjit/aA
acquired, gained, earned
28 samAroh/at
he got on, rode;
(pl) they rised up, ganged up on
29 samAropit/aA
30 samarpaN/a
delivery, donation
31 samarpayad
he threw at, hurled at, stroke, hit (R + Nic, with no luGlaG, or misprint for samArpayat);
he dispatched ( a messenger etc)
32 samArpay/at
he threw at, hurled at, stroke, hit (R + Nic);
he dispatched ( a messenger etc)
he threw, cast, shot, wounded, hit (sam + R + Nic)
33 samarpay/atR
34 samarpit/aA
(was) hit by, pelted with, striken (as by an arrow, R + Nic)
35 samarpya
delivered over and, threw at and
36 samarpy/ate
it is being sent
37 samarth/aA
qualified, competent, strong, able to
38 samarthit/aA
was prepared, made fit, made ready
39 sAmarthy/a
prowess, competence, ability
40 samArUDh/aA
climbed, mounted, ascended
41 samAruhya
mounted and
42 samAs/a
a summary, abridgement;
(in grammar) compound word (same as samAsika)
43 samAsAdya
went and, approached and
44 samasajj/ata
(he) confronted
45 samAsakt/aA
attached to
46 samAsann/aA
near, that is nearby
47 samAsate
they sat together
48 samAsena
in summary
49 sAmAsik/a
a compound word (see compound)
50 samAsIn/aA
sitting together (zAnac, with IdAsaH)
51 samast/aA
all, the whole of, full, complete;
compounded, aggregated, assembled
52 samAsthAya
mounting on, assuming
53 samAsthit/aA
practising, persevering in, engaged in
54 samasthit/i
55 samatikramya
passed over and
56 samatikrAnt/aA
(has) gone beyond;
(was) surpassed
57 samatIt/aA
that passed
58 samatuSy/at
he was satisfied, he was pleased


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