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pUjayAmAsa >>>

procyamAna ... pUjana

0 procyamAn/aA
being said
1 procy/ate
is said to be
3 prokt/aA
said, declared, stated, proclaimed, said to be
4 proktav/atu
he said
5 prot/a
6 proth/a
nostril of a horse
7 protsAhay/ati
exhorts, inspires, instigates
8 provAca
he said
9 pRSat/I
pn (of pArSatI, daughter of pRSata)
10 pRSatk/a
11 pRST/aA
(was) asked
12 pRSTavat/I
(she, you, I) asked
13 pRSTav/atu
(he, you, I) asked
14 pRSTh/a
back side, top side
16 pRSThatas
behind, from behind (adv)
18 pRSTvA
asked and
19 pRtan/A
battle, contest, strife;
20 pRth/A
pn (of kuntI)
21 pRthag
separately, respectively, diversely
22 pRthiv/I
the Earth;
earth, dirt, ground
23 pRthivIJjay/a
pn (of uttara son of virATa)
26 pRth/u
wide, large
27 pRthul/aA
broad, large, great
28 pRthv/I
the Earth;
earth, dirt, ground
29 pucch/a
30 pUg/a
31 puGgav/a
32 puGkh/a
feathers (at the rear of an arrow), arrow-tail
33 pUj/aA
f reverence, worship, respect, honoring of guests
34 pUjan/a
worship, reverence, respect, honoring of guests


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