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pUjayAmAsa ... purANa

0 pUjayA/mAsa
received hospitably, honored
1 pUjay/ati
he worships, honors, receives hospitably
2 pUjay/atR
worshipping, honoring
3 pUjayiS/yati
he will honor, receive hospitably, worship
4 pUjayitum
to honor, respect, revere, receive hospitably
5 pUjayitvA
worshipped and, honored and
6 pUjit/aA
worshipped, honored
7 pUjy/a
worthy of worship, worthy of respect
8 pUjyamAn/aA
being worshipped
9 pUjy/ate
he is honored, worshipped
10 pulkas/aI
pn (of a despised mixed tribe, born of a niSAda male and a zUdra female)
11 pum
man, masculine, (former) male (base pums-, that lost s by saMyogAnta)
12 pumAn
man (pums- + su)
13 puMsA
by a man
14 puMsAm
of men
15 puMsas
of a man, for a man
16 punar
(twice) again and again
17 punarbhav/a
resurrection (coming again into existence)
19 punazcit/i
f piling up again, repeat of a sacrifice
20 puNDarIk/a
white lotus flower
21 puNy/aA
religious merit;
holy, saintly, clean, pure
22 puNyAh/a
n wishing good day in early morning;
reveille, wake-up call; early morning
23 puNyAhavAcane
when proclaiming or wishing an auspicious day;
in the early morning
24 puNyazlok/a
that has good fame, reputation;
25 pupluve
he jumped
26 purA
earlier, anciently
27 pur/a
28 purAN/a
pn (a collection of old stories and old wisdom, see WP Puranas)


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