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prasRta ... pratiSThita

0 prasRt/aA
it flowed forth, was let go;
it spreads out
1 prastAr/a
strewing, spreading out, extension ;
a flat surface, a plain
2 prastar/a
n stone
3 prastAvay/atR
starting the conversation;
4 praSTavy/a
it should be asked
5 prasth/a
6 prasthApayA/mAsa
he made (them) set out, sent,, dispatched, exiled
7 prasthApay/at
he send out, dismissed (no luGlaG)
8 prasthApay/ati
he banishes, exiles, sends out, dismisses
9 prasthit/aA
departed, set out, set forth;
prepared, ready
10 prastot/R2
pn (of a sort of priest, the assistant of the udgAtR)
11 prasupt/aA
asleep, sleeping
12 prasusruvus
let out, passed
13 prasUt/aA
produced, created, begotten
14 pratAp/aA
glowing heat;
splendour, glory, majesty, dignity;
15 pratap/atR
giving forth heat, burning, glowing, shining (literally and figuratively) ;
destroying or paining with heat, tormenting, harassing
16 pratApav/atu
full of splendour, majestic
17 pratAp/in
18 pratapt/a
suffering, anxious
19 prAtar
in the morning
20 pratardan/a
piercing, destroying (said of viSNu)
21 pratark/a
conjecture, guess, deduction
22 pratasthe
departed, set out for, went on
23 pratham/aA
25 prath/ati
it spreads, extends (should be prathate)
26 prathit/aA
famous, renowned, celebrated, well known
27 prati
against, counter- (see prati)
28 pratibandh/a
29 pratibh/A
presence of mind, shrewdness, confidence, boldness
30 pratibhAnti
they shine, they appear
31 pratibhAS/ate
he answers, replies
32 pratibhAsi
you shine upon;
you look like
33 pratibhAtas
by fancy or imagination (tasil)
34 pratibhAti
35 pratibhay/a
exciting fear, formidable, terrible, dangerous
36 praticchann/a
(from chad cover) endowed or furnished with;
wrapped, covered, hidden, disguised
37 praticchann/aA
(was) covered
38 pratidinam
every day
39 pratighAt/a
m an attack
40 pratigrahItum
to accept, to receive
41 pratigRhItav/atu
he accepted, he received
42 pratigRhNAmi
I accept
43 pratigRhNant/I
taking, accepting, approving of
44 pratigRhNantu
let them accept
45 pratigRhN/atR
taking, accepting, approving of
46 pratigRhNAtu
let him accept
47 pratigRhNIyAd
would take, would accept
48 pratigRhya
after accepting, approving, grabbing, winning over
49 pratIhAr/aI
doorkeeper, stopper, bouncer (same as pratihAra-)
50 pratijagrAha
he took;
he received
51 pratijAnAmi
I accept, I promise
52 pratijAn/ate
he swears, he promises, he assures
53 pratijAnIhi
54 pratijJ/A
55 pratijJ/a
consciousness (in the sense of being unconscious or awake)
56 pratijJAt/a
he promised
57 pratijJAya
accepted and, granted (the request) and, obliged and
59 pratIkAr/a
60 pratIkAz/aA
(latter) looking like
61 pratikriy/A
63 pratIkS/A
act of looking forward too, waiting for
64 pratIkSamAN/aA
65 pratIkSant/I
looking forward to
66 pratIkS/ate
he expects, looks forward to, waits
67 pratIkS/ati
he expects, looks forward to, waits (should be pratIkSate)
68 pratIkSitum
wait for, watch for
69 pratIkSya
waited and
70 pratikUl/a
opposing, contradicting, contrary, adverse, opposite
71 pratilabhya
recovered and
72 pratim/aA
f likeness, similarity;
(latter) that looks like;
image, idol
73 pratinad/atR
shouting, taking into account, replying to
75 pratinandya
greeted and
76 pratinyavart/ata
he went back, went home
77 prAtIp/a
son of pratIpa (zaMtanu, bAhlika)
78 pratIp/a
pn (of a king)
79 pratipAday/ati
he makes (them) go
80 pratipady/ate
he steps into, comes across, starts, takes, enters, learns
81 pratipAly/ate
he waits
82 pratipAN/a
83 pratipann/aA
undertaken, promised, given
84 pratipats/yate
he will get back
85 pratipattum
to walk into, to come, to behave (prati + pad)
86 pratipazy/ati
sees, looks;
appears as
87 pratipede
stepped into, came across, started (with ata_eka)
89 prAtIpIy/a
son of pratIpa (zaMtanu, bAhlika)
91 pratisamAdiST/a
directed, indicated, commanded, instructed, assigned
93 pratiSiddh/aA
warned, forbidden, prevented
94 pratiSTh/aA
standing firmly, steadfast ;
point of support, centre or base of anything;
f basis, foundation
95 pratiSThAn/a
96 pratiSThApya
settled down and
97 prAtiSTh/at
he set out, left;
he waited for, he placed, he left (something somewhere)
98 prAtiSTh/ata
he set out, left;
he waited for, he placed, he left (something somewhere)
99 pratiSTh/ate
he dwells, he settles down
100 pratiSThit/aA
(is) established, situated on, resting on, depending on, fixed, firm, rooted, founded


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