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sahate ... saJjanita

0 sah/ate
he endures, can endure
1 sah/ati
he endures, is able to endure (should be sahate)
2 sahAy/a
m companion, friend, ally
3 sahAyat/aA
f help, assistance
4 sAhAyy/a
m aid, assistance, help, succour
6 sahiSNutv/a
7 sahit/aA
together with, mixed with, and
9 sahodar/a
with brothers (of the same mother)
11 sAhvay/a
12 sAhy/a
help, helping, assistance, friendship
13 sahy/a
endurable, tolerable, resistible
14 sainApaty/a
leadership of an army
15 saindhav/a
16 saindhav/aI
pn (anyone from sindhu, jayadratha king of the sindhus)
17 sainik/a
18 sainy/a
n army;
m soldier
19 sairandhr/I
20 sajan/aA
a populated place (opp. of nirjana)
21 saJcakhyau
he counted
23 saJcay/a
collection, gathering, group, mass, stock, pile, a heap, many, a lot of
24 saJceSTamAn/aA
behaving, doing
25 saJchAdayA/mAsa
shadowed, covered
26 saJchAdyamAn/aA
being completely covered
27 saJchidya
after splitting in pieces
28 saJchinn/a
(was) cut, (was) completely cut off
29 saJcintayant/I
30 saJcintay/atR
while thinking
31 saJcintya
thought of and
32 saJcodayA/mAsa
he urged, incited
33 sajIv/a
(sa- + jIva) that has life;
the living
34 sajj/a
equipped, prepared, ready to, armed
35 saJjahAra
hereabsorbed, made it disappear (hR)
36 saJjajJe
was produced, came to be, was
37 saJjalp/a
talking together, conversation, chattering;
uproar, confusion, rumor
38 sajjamAn/aA
that is attached, fastened;

39 saJjanan/a
40 saJjanay/atR
making (them) appear
41 saJjanit/aA
(was) created, made, caused


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