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avagacchati ... avaraja

0 avagacch/ati
he understands
1 avagADh/aA
bathing into, plunging into
2 avagAhya
after plunging into
4 avagam/a
understanding, understandability
5 avagrah/aA
obstacle, impediment, restraint, interruption, drought
7 Avaha
take to yourself! (A + vah + hi''')
8 Avah/aA
that brings, bringer
10 avahAr/a
m truce, suspension of arms, ceasefire
11 avahara
take down!
15 avahAs/a
derision, ridicule, laughing at
16 Avah/at
he brought
17 avah/at
he carried
18 Avah/ati
he brings
19 avAhay/at
he carried;
he passed (time)
20 avahit/aA
23 avaikS/ata
24 avaimi
I understand (ava + iN' + mip)
25 avajAn/ati
he looks down on, despises, underestimates
26 avajAnIhi
27 avajeS/yati
he will recover (something)
28 avajitya
defeated and
29 avajJAn/aA
contempt, insult
30 avajJAt/aA
given (as alms) with contempt
32 avajJey/aA
should be despised, underestimated
34 avakart/a
m a part cut off, strip, piece
35 avakartan/a
n cutting off
36 avakAz/a
37 avAkir/at
he spread, scattered, poured out
40 avAkSip/at
threw down
41 avAky/aA
42 avalamb/in
hanging down, reaching down to
43 avalep/aA
arrogance, haughtiness
44 Aval/I
series, necklace
45 avalipt/aA
proud, arrogant
proud, arrogant;
46 avalokay/ati
he looks
47 avalokay/atR
looking, seeing
50 AvAm
the two of us
51 avamaMsthAs
(don't) despise, underestimate (inj, ava + man + sic + thAs)
52 avamaMs/yate
he will despise, treat contemptuously
53 avamaMs/yati
he will despise, treat contemptuously
54 avamAn/a
disrespect, contempt, dishonour, ignominy
55 avamAnit/aA
despised, humiliated
56 avamantavy/aA
should be despised, humiliated, underestimated
57 avamanya
despised and
58 avamAny/aA
to be despised, contemptible
59 avamany/ate
despises, insults, underestimates
60 avamanyathAs
(don't) despise, underestimate (ava + man + laG thAs)
63 avamene
he despised
65 avamRjya
wiped and
66 avamucya
let go and
67 avanaddh/aA
68 avanat/aA
bowed down
69 avand/ata
he praised
70 avan/i
f earth;
72 avant/I
pn (of a city)
73 Avanty/a
pn (of bhoj/a, king of avanti)
74 AvAp/a
sower, scatterer
75 avApa
he got
76 avApam
I got, I reached (aG by puSAdi)
77 avapAtay/at
he threw down
78 avApatus
both reached, both got to
79 avapIDay/ati
he presses down, opresses, bullies
80 avaplutya
jumped down and
81 avApnoti
gets, obtains;
gets to, reaches
82 avApnuhi
83 avApsyasi
you will get
84 avAps/yati
he will get
85 avApt/aA
gotten, reached, obtained
86 avAptav/atu
he got, reached to
87 avAptavy/aA
that must be gotten
88 avApt/i
obtention, getting, reaching
89 avAptum
to get (at)
90 avApya
after getting
91 avApy/aA
it will be gotten
92 avApy/ate
is obtained
93 AvAr/a
shelter, defence
94 avAr/a
this shore
95 avar/a
no better
96 avaraj/a
younger brother


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