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indu ... jAgarita

0 ind/u
1 Ips/A
wish to get;
asking (Ap + san + a'', with Ap;jJapy;RdhAm It)
2 Ips/ati
wants to get, reach (Ap + san, with ApjJapyRdhAmIt)
3 Ipsit/aA
wanted, desired
4 Ips/u
that wants to get (Ap + san + u', with Ap;jJapy;RdhAm It)
5 irAv/atu
pn (of a son of arjuna)
6 Irit/aA
(Ir + Nic + kta) sent, dispatched;
said, uttered
7 IrSy/aA
f envy
8 ISad
a bit (see ISaddussuSu);
10 iSIk/A
reed, rush, stem or stalk of grass used as an arrow
11 iST/aA
liked, wanted, desirable, good (iS + kta);
sacrificed (yaj + kta, with vacisvapi);
n a sacrifice, offering, oblation
12 iST/i
13 iSTvA
sacrificed and
14 iS/u
15 iSudh/i
16 iSupAte
within arrow-range
17 ISus
they wanted, they tried
18 iSvAs/a
bow, bowman
19 iSy/ate
is wanted
20 itar/a
another, the other one
21 itaratra
22 itare
others, the other ones (has jas)
23 itaretaram
each other
24 itas
from here
26 iti
(closes a quotation, see iti for examples) saying, thinking
27 itihAs/a
story, history, the Epics
29 ittham
and that's how, thus
30 ityak/a
31 iva
like (hanger, see iva)
34 iyAd
he would go (iN' + yAt''')
35 iyam
f this one, she
36 iyAtAm
both would go (iN')
37 Iyatus
both went (long from dIrgha_iNaHkiti)
38 iyAya
he went (see derivation under dIrgha_iNaHkiti)
39 iyeSa
was about to
40 Iyus
they went (iN' + us, with long I from dIrgha_iNaHkiti)
41 IyuSas
they (that) went (iN' + vasu + zas) ???
42 IyuS/I
she (that) went (iN' + vasu + GI + su)
44 Iz/a
45 IzAn/a
lord, master, ruler (root Iz 'own')
47 Izvar/a
the Lord, God
48 Izvar/I
49 j/aA
(only latter) born;
coming from (eg. prakRtija coming from matter, kSataja blood)
50 jaD/a
51 jaDI
numb, paralyzed, cold (jaDa + cvi)
52 jagAda
53 jagAma
he went
54 jagarhe
he censured, despised, blamed, scolded
55 jAgarit/aA
(he) woke up


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