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hRSTa ... indriyagrAma

0 hRST/aA
happy, joyful, gladdened
2 hRSTarom/an
4 hRSTavad
happily, cheerfully, in high spirits
5 hRSyamAN/aA
being glad
6 hRSy/ati
(hRS + zyan) to thrill with rapture, rejoice, exult, be glad or pleased
he rejoices
7 hRSy/atR
thrilling with rapture, rejoicing, exulting, being glad or pleased
8 hRt/aA
taken away, overcome, stolen, carried off, kidnapped
9 hRtvA
took and
12 huhUs
pn (of a gandharva, son of kazyapa)
13 hUN/a
pl pn (of a people, the Huns);
sg the king of the Huns
15 hUt/a
(was) called (hveJ)
16 hut/a
poured, oblation (what is thrown into the holy fire, usually ghee), sacrificed, offered to the gods
17 hutabhu/jg
18 hutAz/a
fire (lit. oblation-eater)
19 hutAzan/a
20 hUyamAn/aA
being poured (into the sacred fire)
21 hUyatAm
let it be poured ghee on (hu + yak + loT ta)
22 hyastan/aA
hesternal (belonging to or produced or occurred yesterday)
27 ibh/aI
28 icch/aA
f desire
29 icch/ate
30 icch/ati
31 icch/atR
32 iD/A
33 idam
34 idAnIm
35 iddh/aA
37 idhm/a
m fuel (esp. for holy fire)
38 IdRz/aI
such, such a
39 IdRzak/aA
such, such a
40 iGgit/a
n hint, sign, gesture (change of the voice, internal motion, motion of various parts of the body as indicating the intentions, root iGg)
41 iGgitais
with hints
42 iGgud/a
pn (a sort of fruit)
43 iha
in this world
45 Ih/ate
he engages in
47 Ij/e
he sacrificed (liT of yajate)
48 ijy/aA
worthy of being sacrificed to;
f sacrifice, worship, gift
50 ijy/ate
it is sacrificed
51 IkSamAN/aA
52 IkSaN/aA
n eye;
glance, view, sight
53 IkS/ate
54 IkS/ati
(ArSam for IkSate) sees
55 IkS/atR
seeing (ArSam for IkSamANa)
56 IkSit/a
was looked at
57 IkSit/R
that sees, spectator
58 IkSitum
to see
59 ikSvAk/u
pn (of a king)
60 IkSya
after seeing (lyap)
61 ilAvRt/a
tp (a continent)
62 ilval/a
pn (of an asura, brother of vAtApi)
63 imAm
f this
64 imam
m this
65 imAn
m these
66 imAni
n these
67 imAs
f these
68 imau
m dual these two
69 ime
m pl these;
nf dual these two
70 indhan/a
timber, wood, fuel
71 indIvar/a
mn the blossom of a blue lotus
72 indIvarAkS/a
73 indr/a
pn (WP Indra, king of the devas, husband of zacI, biological father of arjuna);
lord, king
74 indradatt/a
77 indragopak/a
pn (a sort of bug, small, red and cute, WP Trombidiidae, see images)
78 indrajAl/a
n sham, illusion, delusion, magic, sorcery, juggle, sleight-of-hand
79 indraji/t
pn (of a son of rAvaNa)
81 indrAN/I
pn (of zacI, the wife of indra)
82 indraprasth/a
pn (of a city)
83 indrasen/A
pn (daughter of nala)
84 indrasen/a
pn (son of nala)
85 indrat/A
Indrahood (state of being king of the gods)
86 indratv/a
Indrahood (state of being king of the gods)
87 indrAyudh/a
(indra's bow:)rainbow
88 indriy/aA
n sense, organ
89 indriyagrAm/a
(sg) the senses, the organs


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