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AsIta ... asUyayitvA

0 AsIta
he would sit
2 asit/a
dark (color), black;
pn (of a sage)
3 Asitum
to sit
4 askhal/at
he stumbled
5 asmAbhis
by us
6 asmAd
from this, because of this (idam- + Gasi)
7 asmad
(former) we (sometimes just polite for 'I')
8 asmai
to this one
9 asmAk/a
(adj) our, ours;
our people
10 asmAn
us (asmad- + zas, both genders)
12 asmAsu
us (has sup')
13 asmattas
from us
15 asmi
(has mip) I am;
16 asmin
in this one
17 AsphoTayA/mAsa
he split open;
he slapped or clapped or striked the arms (as done by combatants, wrestlers, etc. sphuT)
18 AsphoTit/aA
(did) clap his arms (sphuT)
19 asphuT/at
it exploded, burst out (sphuT + za + laG)
20 aspRz/at
he touched, he came into contact with
21 asrAkSIs
you created (sRj + luG)
22 asrav/at
it flowed
23 asRj/at
he created
24 asR/jg
25 Assva
26 aSTA
(former) eight
27 aSTa
28 ast/a
(only latter) thrown off, left off, set aside, given up (as grief. anger, a vow, etc.);
sunset, west
30 aSTAbhis
31 aSTabhis
with eight
33 aSTAdaz/a
34 aSTadhA
eightfold, made of eight parts
35 astagaman/a
setting (of sun, moon, etc)
36 astaGgat/a
gone west, dead, kaputt (like English 'gone south'); set (said of the Sun)
37 AstAm
both were, both stayed (asti + laG tas)
38 aSTam/aI
the eighth;
f the eighth night of the fortnight
39 astaman/a
n setting (from astam-ayana)
41 astamit/a
(that has) set (said of the Sun)
43 Astar/a
coverlet, blanket, carpet
45 AstaraN/a
n a spreading;
bed-clothes, carpet, elephant-cover; a cushion
46 aSTau
47 aSTAvakr/a
pn (of a sage)
48 Aste
he sits
49 Asth/aA
f care for;
confidence, hope
50 AsthAn/a
hall of audience
n a hall of audience (kath 1208023a)
51 AsthApay/at
he put, he made (them) sit
52 asthApay/at
he made (them) stand, he set apart, he reserved
53 AsthAs/yati
he will set up, carry out
55 AsthAya
made (him) sit and
57 asth/in
bone (see asthi;dadhi)
58 Asthit/aA
being on, based on;
firmly established
59 asti
there is
61 Astiky/a
n non-atheism, belief in an afterlife
62 AstIrN/aA
63 AstIrya
extended and, spread and
66 astr/a
missile, weapon;
combat spell, magical weapon
71 astu
let it be (so), make it be (so)
72 astuvan
they praised (stu')
73 astuv/at
he praised (stu')
74 as/u
breath, respiration, life
77 asukh/a
unhappy, painful;
n pleasurelessness, unhappiness
78 Asur/a
demonic, devil-like, evil, demoniac, devilish, Asuric
80 asur/a
pn (see races)
81 Asur/I
devil-like, demoniac, devilish
83 asUta
she bore
84 asUy/ati
he speaks ill of, criticises, disagrees;
resents, envies, calumniates (sanAdi root asUya)
85 asUy/atR
envying, resenting
86 asUyayitvA
envied and


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