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vAsuki ... vedikA

0 vAsuk/i
pn (of a snake)
2 vasundhar/A
3 vasuSeN/a
pn (k of karNa)
5 vaT/A
m banyan (the Indian fig tree WP Ficus benghalensis)
6 vAt/aA
m wind
7 vATadhAn/a
pn (of a clan)
8 vAtAp/i
pn (of a demon that tried to kill agastya)
10 vAtAtmaj/a
pn (of bhImasena, 'son of the Wind', and of his biological brother hanumAn)
11 vAtaveg/a
12 vAtAyan/a
window (from vAta + ayana)
13 vAti
he blows
14 vat/I
(affix) that has
15 vats/aA
m boy, dear child;
pn (of a country)
16 vatsadant/a
(whose tip is shaped like a calf tooth:) arrow
17 vatsal/a
kind, affectionate
18 vatsar/a
19 vAtsy/a
son of vatsa
20 vats/yate
he will live at (vas + sya, with saHsyA)
21 vats/yati
he will live at (vas + sya, with sassyArdha)
22 v/atu
(aff) that has (vatup)
23 vAty/A
gale, strong wind
24 vavande
he worshipped
25 vavarSa
26 vavarSus
they rained
27 vavau
they blew
28 vavAzire
they howled
29 vAvAzy/ate
he roars, screams, sounds aloud (has yaG)
30 vavRdhe
grew, was grown
31 vavre
chose as a husband, solicited
32 vavus
they blew (as the wind)
33 vayam
34 vay/as
energy (both bodily and mental), strength, health, vigour, power, might
35 vAyas/a
37 vayasy/a
friend (of the same age)
38 vAyavy/a
related to vayu
39 vAy/u
40 vaz/A
41 vaz/aA
m authority, power, control, dominion (as in 'under the power of')
42 vazAd
by the power of, under the control of, because of
43 vAzamAn/aA
roaring, shouting (epics for vAzyamAna)
45 vAz/ate
roars, resounds
46 vaze
in control, under control
47 vaz/in
one that has control of himself
49 vAzit/A
a cow desiring the bull
50 vazy/aA
that is under control;
obedient, docile, subjected, tamed
51 ved/a
the Vedas
property, goods (from 3 vid vindati 'find, get')
he knows;
I know (vidolaTovA)
52 vedAGg/a
pn ( the branches of the veda )
53 vedakumbh/a
54 vedan/A
pain, torture, agony
55 vedan/a
perception, knowledge
56 vedAnt/a
vedic lore, all holy scriptures
58 vedayAn/aA
(zAnac) regarding;
that make (it) known (mc for vedayamAnaH ?)
59 veday/ate
makes it known, reveals
60 veday/ati
it indicates
61 veday/atR
indicating, which indicates
62 veddhum
to pierce , transfix , hit , strike , wound (vyadh)
63 vedh/as
arranger, disposer, creator;
virtuous, good
65 ved/I
66 ved/i
f altar
67 vedik/A
a sacrificial ground , altar;
a balcony , pavilion


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