<<< varNana
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varNayAmAsa ... vasuhoma
- 0 varNayA/mAsa
- he narrated, he described
- 1 varNay/ate
- he relates, describes, narrates
- 2 varNayiS/yati
- he will describe
- 3 varN/in
- colored
- 4 varNIy/aA
- colored
- 6 varS/a
- pn (vararuci's teacher)
- 7 varS/aA
- year, rain (season);
f rainy season
- 8 vArSadaMz/a
- feline, related to cats (from vRSadaMza mouse-biter)
- 9 varSamAN/aA
- raining
- 12 varS/ati
- he rains
- 13 varS/atR
- raining
- 16 varS/iN
- raining, scattering
- 18 varSm/aN3
- size
- 19 vArSNey/aI
- pn (of any descendant of vRSNi, such as kRSNa or kuntI or sAtyaki)
- 20 vArt/A
- news
- 21 vartamAn/aA
- being, moving, happening;
present (time)
- 23 vart/ate
- is, moves, does, happens, turns into, goes on
- 24 vart/ati
- (mc ?) being, moving, doing
- 25 vart/atR
- (mc ?) being, moving, doing
- 27 vartayA/mAsa
- he passed (time);
he made (them) flow
- 28 vartay/ati
- lives, leads a life, lives on (something);
makes (it) turn
- 29 vartay/atR
- living on (something)
- 30 vartayiS/yati
- (epic) he will explain, he will relate
- 31 vart/in
- that behaves, that obeys, that does, that happens
- 33 vartm/an3
- road, way, course, path (from vRt, as originally meant track or rut of a wheel)
- 34 vartsy/ate
- there will be (vRt)
- 35 varts/yati
- he will go, do, move
- 36 varuN/a
- pn (of the god of water)
- 37 vAruN/aI
- related to varuNa
- 39 varUth/a
- n shield, armor, coat of mail;
house, shelter
- 40 varUth/in
- armored, protected
- 41 varUthin/I
- army
- 43 vary/aA
- best of
- 44 vAryamAN/aA
- being forbidden, restrained
- 46 vas
- y'all(second), to y'all, of yall's,
- 47 vas/A
- fat, tallow
- 48 vAs/aA
- m habitation, living at, residence, exile, passing the night;
(metri causa for vAsas) cloth
- 49 vAsak/a
- n bedroom
- 50 vasamAn/aA
- living at
- 51 vAsan/A
- memory, conditioning (piece of the mind's programming)
- 52 vasAn/aA
- wearing (vaste + zAnac)
- 53 vasan/aA
- cloth, clothes, dress, garment, apparel, attire
- 55 vasant/a
- spring season
- 56 vasantatilak/a
- pn
- 57 vasant/I
- dwelling, living at (sixth or seventh)
- 58 vAsar/a
- day
- 59 vAs/as
- n garments, clothes, dress, cloth
- 61 vAsasI
- two pieces of clothing
- 63 vas/ati
- he dwells, lives at
- vasat/i
- f staying (especially overnight), dwelling, abiding, sojourn;
dwelling-place, house, residence, abode, dwelling
- 64 vaSaTkAr/a
- the word vaSaD (a holy word used in rites)
- 65 vas/atR
- dwelling, living at (sixth or seventh)
- 66 vAsav/aA
- pn (of indra, boss of the vasus)
- 67 vAsavadatt/A
- pn
- 69 vAsav/i
- son of indra (name of arjuna and a thousand others)
- 70 vAsay/ate
- make (them) live at
- 71 vAs/I
- a sharp or pointed knife or a kind of axe, adze, chisel
- 72 vAs/in
- wearing;
living at
- 73 vAsiSTh/a
- pn (of a sage)
- 74 vasiSTh/a
- pn (of one of the Seven Sages)
- 75 vAsit/aA
- (was made to) live at, exiled
- 76 vAsoyug/a
- (pair of clothes) attire (pants and shirt, or kilt and shirt)
- 77 vASp/a
- shedding tears (for bASpa)
- 78 vastavy/a
- (they) should live at
- 80 vaste
- wears
- 81 vastr/aA
- n cloth, garment, clothes
- 82 vas/u
- wealth;
valuable item, treasure;
pn (a class of gods)
- 83 vasudAn/a
- pn
- 84 vAsudev/a
- pn (of kRSNa)
- 85 vasudev/a
- pn (son of zUrasena and father of baladeva and kRSNa and brother of kuntI)
- 87 vasudh/A
- the earth, the ground
- 88 vasuhom/a
- pn (of a king and ascetic)
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