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varNayAmAsa >>>
vana ... varNana
- 0 van/aA
- n dense forest, jungle;
park, garden
- 3 vanaj/aA
- wild
- 4 vanAnt/a
- forest, wood, jungle
- 5 vAnar/aI
- monkey
- 6 vanaSaND/a
- forest
- 7 vanaspat/i
- tree
- 8 vanavAs/a
- exile (living in the bush)
- 9 vandamAn/aA
- praising
- 10 vandan/a
- begging, thieving
- 11 vand/ate
- he praises
- 12 vandit/aA
- praised
- 13 vandy/aA
- deserving of praise, that should be praised
- 15 vaNi/jg
- merchant
- 16 vANijy/a
- commerce
- 17 vaNijy/A
- trade, commerce
- 19 vanik/aA
- park, grove
- 21 vAnt/a
- vomited (vam + kta)
- 22 vAnti
- they blow;
(affix) n those that have
- 23 vany/a
- forest animal (or anything else related to a forest)
- 24 vap/A
- fat, marrow (same as medas)
- 25 vap/atR
- scattering, sowing, throwing
- 26 vAp/I
- pond (made by damming)
- 27 vApi
- or even, or (vA + api)
- 28 vapr/a
- rampart
- 29 vapr/aA
- riverbed (??)
- 30 vap/us
- n body
- 31 vapuS/a
- wonderful (vapuSa-)
- 32 vapuSm/atu
- handsome
- 33 vAr/a
- turn (specified time or place -- as in 'your turn')
- 34 var/aA
- (n) best, it is better;
m choosing a gift, boon, wish (as in: 'the genius gave him three wishes'); bridegroom, husband; (latter) most excellent (as in girivara 'best of mountains')
- 36 varAGgan/A
- beautiful young lady
- 37 vArAh/a
- boary (related or belonging to boars)
- 38 varAh/aI
- boar;
f pn (the zakti- or female Energy of the Boar form of viSNu-)
- 39 vArAh/I
- the zakti- or female Energy of the Boar form of viSNu-;
a boar sow (WP Wild boar)
- 40 varAk/a
- this poor guy: pitiable, wretched, unlucky (used to show pity)
- 41 vAraN/a
- n resisting
- vAraN/a
- elephant
- 42 vAraNasAhvay/a
- (elephant-namesake:) pn (metronymic of hAstinapura)
- 43 vArANas/I
- pn (of the city of kAzi)
- 44 vAraNAvat/a
- tp
- 45 varAroh/A
- (having nice waist:) handsome or elegant woman
- 46 vararucI
- pn (of vararuci, with long I from cvauca)
- 47 vararuc/i
- pn
- 49 varavarN/in
- of best skin color
- 52 vArayA/mAsa
- he resisted, kept back
- 53 varayA/mAsa
- he chose
- 54 varay/ate
- he chooses
- 55 vAray/ati
- (tries to) stop, check, restrain, hinder;
he chooses
- 56 varay/ati
- he chooses
- 57 vAray/atR
- stopping (them) (or trying to stop)
- 58 vArayiS/yati
- he will cover (vR vRNoti + Nic)
- 59 varayiS/yati
- he will choose (vR vRNAti + Nic)
- 61 vArayit/R
- restrainer, hinderer
- 64 varc/as
- (n) vital energy;
splendor, glory;
light, brilliance, glow;
- 66 vArddhakSatr/i
- pn (of jayadratha son of vRddhakSatra)
- 67 vArdhakSem/i
- pn
- 68 vardhamAn/aA
- growing (zAnac);
being encouraged
- 69 vardhan/a
- an increasing;
increaser, enhancer
- 70 vardhanIy/aA
- should be helped, should be made to grow or prosper
- 71 vardh/ate
- he grows (diSTyA vardhase = congrats)
- 72 vardh/ati
- (mc) he grows (diSTyA vardhasi = congrats)
- 73 vardh/atR
- growing (should be vardhamAna)
- 74 vardhayant/I
- increasing, bringing (him) up
- 75 vardhay/ati
- he increases, makes (them) grow
- 76 vardhay/atR
- increasing, bringing (him) up
- 77 vardhayitvA
- wished (them) good luck and
- 78 vardh/in
- increaser, enhancer
- 79 vardhit/aA
- it was made to grow or prosper (vRdh + Nic)
- 80 vareNy/a
- most preferable, to be wished for, desirable, excellent, best among (sixth)
- 81 varg/a
- class, type, group, set
- 82 vAr/i
- water
- 83 vArid/a
- cloud
- 84 vArij/a
- lotus, conch
- 85 variSTh/aA
- best, most excellent (has iSThan)
- 86 vArit/aA
- (was) stopped, prevented (vR + Nic)
- 87 varjam
- except
- 88 varjay/ati
- avoids;
- 89 varjay/atR
- avoiding
- 90 varjayit/R
- excepter, avoider
- 91 varjayitvA
- left and;
after leaving out, excepting
- 92 varjit/aA
- deprived, excepted, excluded
- 93 varjy/aA
- should be excluded
- 94 varm/aN3
- armor
- 95 varm/iN
- armored, having armor
- 96 varN/aA
- color, appearance, looks;
kind, race, caste
- 99 varNan/aA
- description
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