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gahana ... gata

0 gahan/aA
mysterious, secret, hidden;
thick, impenetrable, deep, dense (forest), dark jungle
1 gahvar/a
inacessible place (cave, abyss, jungle, etc.)
2 gairik/a
red ochre, hematite (Fe2 O3);
pn (of a herb)
3 gaj/aI
4 gajasAhvay/a
pn (of hAstinapura)
6 gAlav/a
8 gAm
cow, bull (go- + am, see automzasoH);
f the Earth
9 gam/aA
goer, that goes
10 gaman/a
a going. a leaving
11 gamas
(don't) go!
12 gamay/ati
he makes (them) go, sends
13 gamayitvA
made them go and
14 gambhIr/aA
deep, profound
15 gAmbhIry/a
depth, profoundness
16 gAm/in
will go (see bhaviSyatigamyAdayaH)
17 gAmin/I
that goes;
(that) will go (see bhaviSyatigamyAdayaH)
19 gamiS/yate
he will go
20 gamiS/yati
he will go
21 gamy/aA
that has to be gone to
22 gamyatAm
it should be gone to;
let's leave
23 gamy/ate
it is gone to, someone goes
24 gaN/a
group, host, crowd, army;
servant of ziva (see races)
26 gaNanA
28 gaNayA/mAsa
29 gaNay/ate
he counts
30 gaNay/atR
counting, taking into account, (not dis-) regarding
31 gaNayiS/yate
he will count
32 gaNayitvA
counted and
33 gaND/a
temple (of the sides of the head)
34 gandh/aA
35 gandhamAdan/a
36 gAndhAr/a
pn (of a country and its inhabitants)
37 gAndhAr/I
pn (WP Gandhari (Mahabharata), wife of dhRtarASTra, mother of duryodhana, daughter of subala)
38 gAndhAr/i
pn (of duryodhana, son of gAndhArI)
39 gAndharv/a
gandharva-style (marriage); related to the {gandharva}s
40 gandharv/a
pn (of a race of superhuman beings)
41 gandh/i
(only latter) that smells of (former)
42 gANDIv/a
n pn (of arjuna's bow, WP Gandiva )
43 gANDiv/a
n pn (metronymic of gANDIva)
45 gANDIv/in
pn (of arjuna, carrier of the gANDIva)
46 gaNik/A
47 gaNit/aA
48 gant/Asmi
I will go
49 gantavy/a
has to go;
has to be gone to;
leaving should happen
50 gantum
to go
51 gaNyamAn/aA
being counted, being enumerated
52 garbh/aA
m womb, foetus, seed;
(of a temple etc.) inner sanctum, holy of holies
53 garbhiN/I
pregnant cow
54 gArdabh/a
asinine (belonging or related to donkeys)
55 gardabh/a
57 gArdhr/a
vulturine, related to vultures
58 garg/a
59 garh/A
censure, abuse, blame
60 gArhasthy/a
householderhood (state of being a gRhastha)
61 garh/ate
censures, abuses, blames, despises
62 garh/ati
censures, abuses, blames, despises
63 garhay/atR
abusing, blaming, despising
64 garhy/aA
should be blamed
65 garIyas/I
better, more important, heavier
66 garI/yasu
better, more important, heavier
67 garjamAn/aA
growling, rumbling
68 garj/ati
growls, roars, thunders
69 garj/atR
growling, roaring, thundering
70 garjit/aA
growled, thundered;
roar, growl
71 garuD/a
pn (the bird god, WP Garuda)
72 garutm/atu
pn (of garuDa);
bird, anything winged
73 garv/a
74 gAs
(don't) go
cows or bulls (go- + zas, see automzasoH)
75 gat/aA
gone, went;
the past;
(latter) that is at


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