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durmada ... dve

0 durmad/a
drunken, fierce, mad, infatuated by;
drunkenness, mad illusion, foolish pride or arrogance
1 durman/as
perverse of mind;
melancholic, sad, that is in bad or low spirits
3 durmarSaN/a
4 durmat/i
evil-minded; idiot
5 durmedh/as
6 durmukh/a
pn k (of a son of dhRtarASTra)
7 durnIt/aA
n misconduct, impolicy, folly, ill-luck
8 durodar/a
(door-opener:) a dice-player, gamester
dice-player, gamester
9 durudvah/aA
hard to bear
10 durukt/a
harsh speech
11 durutsah/aA
difficult to bear or resist (ISad;dus;su)
13 durvac/a
n bad words, insult;
14 durvacan/a
verbal abuse
15 durvAr/a
hard to be restrained, irrepressible, irresistible
17 durvAs/as
pn (of a sage)
18 durviSah/a
19 durvRtt/aA
20 duryodhan/a
pn k (the eldest son of dhRtarASTra and gAndhArI, WP Duryodhana, a.k.a. dhArtarASTra a.k.a suyodhana)
25 dus
hard to (only former), bad
26 dUSak/a
28 dUSay/ati
he blames
29 dUSit/a
spoiled, defiled, corrupted
30 duSkar/aA
hard to do
31 duSkarN/a
pn k (of a son of dhRtarASTra)
32 duSkR/t
evildoer, wrongdoer
33 duSkRt/aA
evilly done;
badly done;
n crime, sin, evil deed
35 duSkRt/in
evildoer, wrongdoer
36 duSpAr/a
difficult to be crossed or overcome or accomplished
37 duSpradharS/a
pn k
39 duSprAp/a
hard to reach, hard to get (at)
40 duSpUr/a
hard to fulfill, impossible to fulfill, insatiable
41 dussah/aA
hard to endure, withstand, resist;
m pn
43 dussvapn/a
m a bad dream, a nightmare
44 duST/aA
corrupted, spoiled
45 dustar/aA
hard to cross
46 duSy/ati
gets corrupted (the mind)
47 dUt/aI
48 dUy/ate
is being burnt, is being tormented
49 duzcar/aA
hard to do
50 duzzal/A
pn (WP Duhsala, daughter of gAndhArI and wife of jayadratha)
51 duzzAsan/a
pn k (of a son of dhRtarASTra)
52 dvAbhyAm
with two, to two, from two
53 dvAdaz/a
54 dvAdazabhis
55 dvaidhA
duality (state of there being two things)
56 dvaidhIbhUt/aA
(was) split in two
split in two
57 dvaipAyan/a
pn (of the sage vyAsa, aka kRSNadvYpAyana)
58 dvairath/a
single combat (involving two chariots)
59 dvandv/a
pair (in pilosophy: pair of opposites; in grammar: kind of compound, see dvaMdva)
61 dvApar/a
m pn (of the third age of the world, see yuga);
mn the side of the die that has two dots
62 dvAr/a
63 dvArak/A
tp (kRSNa's city)
64 dvAravat/I
pn (of the city of dvArakA)
65 dvAri
66 dvAssth/a
doorkeeper, guard
67 dvAtriMzas
68 dvau
69 dvay/a
pair, couple, group of two
70 dvayos
of two, in two
71 dve


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