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suvarcas ... sveSAm
- 0 suvarc/as
- pn
- 2 suvarN/a
- gold, golden, gold-colored; good-colored
- 5 suvRtt/a
- well rounded, beautifully round
- 6 sUy/ate
- she gives birth to
- 7 suyodhan/a
- pn (metronymic of duryodhana)
- 9 suyukt/a
- good, competent, skilled
- 10 suzarm/aN3
- pn k (of a king of the trigartas)
- 11 suzroN/I
- beautiful lady ('nicely-buttocked')
- 12 sv/aA
- his, her, my, their etc (see sva-);
n property
- 13 svabhAv/a
- natural;
one's own nature
- 15 svadhA
- offering (to a god in a rite)
- 18 svAdhIn/aA
- independent, being in one's own power or control, being at one's own disposal (sva + adhIna)
- 19 svAdhyAy/a
- reciting, study (chanting the veda aloud alone)
- 21 svAd/u
- tasty
- 22 svAgat/a
- welcome
- 23 svAgatam
- welcome!
- 26 svAhA
- pn (word uttered when pouring ghee into fire)
- 27 svairam
- (former) on (his) own, of one's own accord, freely, independently; unreservedly, trustingly; softly, slowly
- 28 svaireSu
- in idle chat, in jest
- 29 svajan/a
- one's own relatives (sg with pl meaning)
- 32 svak/aA
- one's own
- 33 svakAry/aA
- n one's own business or duty or function
- 36 svalp/aA
- very small, a tiny bit
- 37 svAmikumAr/a
- pn (of kArttikeya)
- 38 svAm/in
- owner, master, lord
- 40 svan/aA
- m noise, sound
- 41 svanavad
- loudly
- 43 svApan/a
- pn (of the prasvApa astra)
- 44 svapante
- they sleep
- 45 svapantu
- let them sleep
- 46 svap/atR
- sleeping
- 47 svapiti
- sleeps
- 48 svapn/a
- sleep ('dream' when used with dRz)
- 49 svaps/yati
- he will sleep, lie down
- 50 svApt/a
- very abundant
- 51 svaptavyam
- sleep must happen
- 52 svar
- heaven, sky
- 53 svar/aA
- sound
- 55 svarbhAn/u
- pn (of rAhu)
- 56 svarg/aA
- m heaven
- 57 svargy/a
- worthy of heaven, that leads to heaven, heavenly
- 58 svarN/a
- gold
- 63 svas
- we two are
- 66 svasmAd
- from (one's) own
- 67 svas/R
- sister (affected by aptRntRc)
- 68 svasrIy/a
- son of sister (opp. matula)
- 69 svasth/aA
- (being oneself:) feeling normal, being back to normal, well, healthy, not ill, no longer shocked (opp. of asvastha ill);
recovered (from fainting etc.), that regained consciousness
- 70 svasti
- be well!
- 71 svastik/a
- svastika, good luck sign
- 72 svastikAram
- saying 'svasti'
- 76 svasyAs
- f of own, from own (sva- + Gas or Gasi)
- 78 svatantr/iN
- independent
- 79 svatas
- from oneself (same as svasmAt)
- 80 svAt/I
- pn (of the fifteenth nakSatra, under Arcturus)
- 82 svayam
- in person, (him)self (see svayam)
- 85 svAyambhuv/a
- pn (son of svayambhU)
- 86 svayambhuvA
- by svayambhU
- 87 svayambhuv/a
- pn (of brahmA)
- 88 svayambhuvi
- pn (svayambhU + Gi)
- 89 svayaMvar/a
- pn (social event in which a princess choses who she'll marry)
- 90 sved/aA
- m sweat
- 91 sveSAm
- of (their) own
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