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sughoSa ... suvAja
- 0 sughoS/a
- pn
- 1 sugrIv/a
- pn (king of the monkeys, friend of rAma)
- sugrIv/a
- pn (of a monkey)
- 2 suhR/d
- friend
- 6 sukany/A
- pn
- 7 sukar/aA
- easy to do
- 8 sUkar/aI
- pig
- 9 sukez/I
- that has good hair
- 10 sukez/in
- that has good hair
- 11 sukh/aA
- n happiness, ease, pleasure, comfort
- 12 sukh/in
- happy
- 15 sukRt/a
- good action;
action well done
- 16 sukRt/in
- gooddoer, benefactor
- 18 sUkSm/aA
- subtle, tiny, hi-res
- 19 sukumAr/aI
- tender, delicate, full of grace, young and beatiful
- 21 sulabh/a
- easy to get
- 22 sulocan/a
- pn k (of a son of dhRtarASTra)
- 23 sumadhyam/A
- woman with beautiful hips
- 26 sumAl/i
- pn
- 30 sumitr/A
- pn (mother of lakSmaNa)
- sumitr/A
- pn (of lakSmaNa's mother)
- 32 sumRST/a
- well polished, bright, fine
- 33 sumukh/a
- pn (of a son of garuDa)
- 34 sunAm/an1
- pn
- 35 sunand/A
- pn
- 36 sunay/a
- m wise policy
- 37 sund/a
- pn
- 38 sundar/aI
- beautiful, handsome
- 39 sunIth/a
- pn (of a king)
- 40 sunizcitam
- clearly
- 41 sUnRt/A
- kindness, friendliness, kind and true speech, truth
- 42 sUnRt/a
- pleasant and true speech (one of the five qualities belonging to right conduct)
- 44 sUn/u
- son
- 45 sUp/a
- soup, chutney
- 46 suparisrut/aA
- well filtered
- 47 suparN/a
- pn (of garuDa);
having good feathers, leaves, wings
- 50 suprabh/a
- pn
- 53 supt/aA
- sleeping;
- 54 suptav/atu
- he slept
- 56 sur/A
- wine
- 57 sur/a
- a god (same thing as a deva, see races)
- 58 surabh/i
- perfumed;
n perfume
- surabh/i
- pn (of a cow)
- 60 suratamaJjar/I
- pn
- 63 surUp/A
- pn (of a cow)
- 64 sUry/A
- the wife of the Sun;
(mfn) solar (maybe wrong reading for saurya)
- 65 sUry/a
- the Sun
- 66 sUryAcandramas/a
- (dual) sun and moon
- 67 sUryadatt/a
- pn
- 70 sUryaprabh/a
- pn (of a king)
- 71 sUryazatr/u
- pn
- 73 sUs
- mother of (sU rootnoun + su)
- 75 suSAva
- she gave birth
- 76 suSeN/a
- pn
- suSeN/a
- pn (of a monkey, father-in-law of sugrIva)
- 77 susrAva
- it flowed
- 78 suSupus
- they slept (or lay down dead)
- 80 suSvApa
- he slept
- 81 sUt/a
- charioteer;
pn (of a caste)
- 82 sut/A
- daughter
- 83 sut/a
- son
- 86 sUtak/a
- n birth (also ' the calving of a cow ') (es. parto)
- 88 sUtaputr/a
- pn (of karNa, k)
- 92 sutarAm
- even more;
very much
- 93 sutasom/a
- pn p (son of bhImasena and draupadI)
- 94 sUte
- procreates, begets, gives birth to
- 96 sutIkSN/a
- pn (of a sage)
- 99 sUtr/a
- string;
- 100 sUtvA
- gave birth and
- 101 suty/a
- n. (with or scilicet ahan-) the day of soma-extraction
- 102 suvAj/a
- pn (of a horse)
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