<<< gRha
hantum >>>
gRhANa ... hantR
- 0 gRhANa
- take! (grah + loT sip, with halazzna)
- 1 gRhasth/a
- householder, married man
- 2 gRhiN/I
- wife
- 3 gRhIt/aA
- (was) taken, grabbed
- 4 gRhItav/atu
- he took
- 5 gRhItvA
- took and
- 7 gRhNasi
- you take, you accept
- 8 gRh/NAti
- grabs, takes
- 9 gRhN/atR
- grabbing
- 10 gRhNIma
- let's take (grah)
- 11 gRhNIta
- grab! (y'all)
- 12 gRhNItAm
- both grabbed
- 13 gRh/NIte
- grabs, takes
- 14 gRhya
- took and (ArSam for gRhItvA)
- 16 gRhy/ate
- it is grabbed, grasped
- 17 grISm/a
- hot season
- 18 grIv/aA
- f neck
- 19 gRST/i
- any young female animal (eg vAsitA gRSTayaH young female elephants MBh. xi, 642)
- 20 guD/a
- treacle, sugar, ball sugar, sugar ball, ball
- 21 guDAkez/a
- pn (of arjuna)
- 22 gUDh/aA
- hidden, secret, incognito
- 23 guh/A
- cave
- 24 guh/a
- pn (of a son of ziva)
- 25 guhy/a
- secret, mystery, hidden thing, something few people know
- 26 guhyak/a
- pn (pl;
a race)
- guhyak/a
- pn
- 27 guhyatam/a
- most secret (hard to get to know)
- 28 gulm/a
- bush, shrub, thicket, clump of trees
- gulm/a
- pn (aka gulmaka)
- 29 guN/aA
- m quality, virtue
- 30 guNADhy/a
- pn
- 31 guNav/atu
- good, virtuous
- 32 guN/in
- that has qualities, virtues
- 33 guNThit/aA
- enveloped by, covered with (third or former)
- 34 gupt/aA
- protected, led;
hidden, secret, covered
- 35 gupt/i
- f protection
- 36 gur/u
- teacher, elder, boss;
heavy, important
- 37 gurulAghav/a
- relative importance (see guru, laghu)
- 39 gurv/I
- heavy, important;
(female) teacher;
wife of teacher
- 40 hA
- the sound 'hA'; alas!;
- 41 ha
- (ignore)
- 42 hAhA
- the sound 'hAhA'
- 43 hahA
- pn (of a gandharva, son of kazyapa)
- 44 hAhAkAr/aA
- saying hA hA
- 45 hAhAkRt/aA
- saying 'ah! ah!'
- 46 haiDimb/a
- pn (of ghaTotkaca, son of hidimbA)
- 47 haihay/a
- pn (of a people)
- 48 haim/a
- snowy (from hima);
golden (from hema)
- 49 haimavat/a
- Himalayic (relating or belonging to the himAlaya)
- 50 haimavat/I
- pn (of parvatI)
- 51 hairaNy/aA
- golden
- 52 haituk/aI
- having a reason;
(latter) caused by, dependent on
- 53 hal/a
- plough
- 54 halahalA
- halloo (an exclamation of applause or approbation)
- 55 halAyudh/a
- pn (of balarAma, older brother of kRSNa)
- 56 hal/in
- that has a plough (nickname of saMkarSaNa)
- 57 hambh/A
- mooing
- 61 haMs/aI
- royal goose, wild goose (translate as 'swan' if u like)
- 65 h/an
- (latter) killer
- 66 haNam
- killer (han + am with Natvam)
- 67 hAn/i
- loss, damage, failure, waste
- 69 haniS/yate
- he will kill
- 70 haniS/yati
- he will kill
- 71 hanma
- let's kill (bad grammar)
- 72 hanmi
- I kill
- 73 hanta
- argh! wtf!
- 74 hant/Asmi
- I shall kill
- 75 hantavy/aA
- must be killed
- 76 hanti
- kills
- 77 hant/R
- killer
<<< gRha
hantum >>>