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sadasya ... sahiSNutva

0 sadasy/a
(present in the sacrificial enclosure:) an assessor, spectator, member of an assembly (at a sacrifice)
1 sadazv/aA
top-notch horse, purebreed horse
2 SaDbhis
with six (SaS- + bhis)
3 sadbhis
by good men
5 sAdhan/aA
meditation, religious practice;
objective, goal;
fulfillment, accomplishment
6 sAdhAraN/aA
ordinary, common, average
7 sAdharmy/a
sameness or identity of nature
9 sAdhay/ati
he accomplishes, succeeds, achieves
10 sAdhay/atR
making (them) satisfied (sidh + Nic)
11 sAdh/u
good, well;
good (person);
sage, saint, virtuous or honest man
bravo! good!;
13 sAdhuvAh/in
a good or well-trained horse
14 sAdhvas/aA
n fear, panic
15 sAdhv/I
good woman, saintly woman
16 sAdhy/a
it should be attained
17 sAdhy/aA
to be subdued, conquerable (sAdh)
18 sAdhy/ate
is being accomplished, succeeds
19 sAd/in
rider, horseman
20 sAdin/I
22 sadRz/aI
such a;
suitable, good fit for
23 sadyas
at once, straight away
24 sAgar/aA
sea, ocean
25 saGg/a
clinging to, attachment to, sticking to, adhering to (root saJj 2)
26 saGgacch/ati
goes together with, unites with
27 saGgam/a
reunion, union, meeting
28 saGgamya
went together and
30 saGgar/a
pact, promise;
fight, combat, battle
31 saGgat/aA
(has) gone together, met, united;
that is with
32 saGgh/aA
n heap, multitude, quantity, crowd, host, group
34 saGghAt/aA
a collection, mass, compact mass (sam + han reunite, associate)
35 saGghaTTit/aA
collected, assembled;
rubbed or struck together or against
38 saGg/in
39 saGgIt/aA
sung, song, music, melody
40 saGgrAh/a
grasping, laying hold of
41 saGgrah/a
collection, antology;
check, restrain, control
42 saGgrahaN/a
43 saGgraheNa
in summary
44 saGgrahIS/yati
he will grasp, hold (eg. reins)
45 saGgrAhy/a
should be accepted, taken in
46 saGgrAm/a
m battle, fight, battlefield
47 saGgrAmaji/t
48 sAGgrAmik/aI
(related to) war (from saMgrAma 'war, battle, fight')
49 saGgRhN/atR
50 saGgRhya
took and, constrained and
51 saGgRhyamAN/aA
being under the control of, being protected by
52 saGkalp/aA
m intention, imagination;
idea or expectation of any advantage
53 saGkar/a
confusion, miscegenation
54 saGkarSaN/a
pn (of balarAma)
55 saGkaT/aA
narrow, crowded, thick, dangerous, beset with difficulties;
narrow passage, strait, defile, pass ;
a strait, difficulty, critical condition, danger to or from
57 saGkAz/aA
(latter) resembling
58 sAGkhy/aA
pn (a school of philosophy);
a philosopher of that school
59 saGkhy/aA
n war, fight, battlefield;
f counting
60 saGkhyAn/a
61 saGkhyAs/yati
he will count
62 saGkhyAt/aA
63 saGkhyAtum
to count
64 saGkhyAya
counted and
65 saGkhyey/aA
countable (that can be counted)
66 saGkIrN/aA
full of
67 saGkIrtit/a
(was) mentioned
68 saGkIrtyamAn/aA
proclaimed, announced, shouted
69 saGklez/a
71 saGkliSTakarm/aN3
one who does everything with trouble or difficulty;
one whose actions are soiled or mouldy
73 saGkrandan/aA
battle, combat;
calling or shouting or roaring
74 saGkruddh/aA
very angry
75 saGkSapayiS/yati
they will destroy
76 saGkSay/a
decay, waning
77 saGkSep/a
abridgement, summary
78 saGkSip/ate
throws together, piles up, compresses, destroys
79 saGkul/a
crowd, throng, mob;
confused fight, battle, war
80 saha
with (with third);
(former) with, and
81 sah/aA
that endures, able to endure (sixth or former);
companion, friend, ally
82 sahadev/a
pn (p WP Sahadeva of Magadha, aka jArAsandhi, son of jarAsandha, not same as sahadeva the pANDava)
pn (fifth pANDava, second son of mAdrI);
pn (of jArAsaMdhi)
83 sahaj/a
born together, full brother;
natural, innate
84 sAhas/a
reckless act
85 sahasA
86 sahasr/a
87 sahasradhA
into thousands
88 sAhasr/aI
(relating or belonging to a) thousand
89 sahasrAkS/a
pn (of indra)
90 sahasrazas
by the thousands
91 sahasr/iN
92 sah/ate
he endures, can endure
93 sah/ati
he endures, is able to endure (should be sahate)
94 sahAy/a
m companion, friend, ally
95 sahAyat/aA
f help, assistance
96 sAhAyy/a
m aid, assistance, help, succour
98 sahiSNutv/a


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