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loka ... mahApArzva
- 1 lok/a
- world;
everybody, citizens, people
- 2 lokapAl/a
- world-protectors (the eight gods that rule the quarters)
- 4 lol/aA
- moving hither and tither, shaking, restless;
f the tongue
- 5 lomaharSaN/a
- pn;
- 6 lomaharSaN/i
- pn ( misprint for laumaharSANi I guess )
- 7 lom/an1
- hair of body (also loman)
- 8 lomavAh/in
- either 'bearing or having feathers, feathered', or 'sharp enough to cut a hair'(said of an arrow)
- 9 lomaz/a
- hair of the body
- 10 lopAmudr/A
- pn
- lopAmudr/A
- pn (wife of agastya)
- 12 loST/a
- clod
- 13 lubdh/a
- covetous, greedy
- 14 lubhy/atR
- desiring eagerly, longing for, coveting
- 16 lUn/aA
- cut off, plucked, harvested
- 17 lupt/aA
- lacking, deprived of
- 18 lUt/A
- spider
- 19 mA
- don't (with inj.); me (rare for mAm, see tvAmau)
- 20 mAciram
- soon, quickly
- 21 mad
- (former only) me, I, mine
- 23 mad/a
- m hilarity, rapture, excitement, inspiration, ardent passion for;
rut juice;
drunk, intoxicated;
intoxication, drunkenness, excitement
- 26 madan/a
- god of Love;
love, passion
- 27 madanamaJcuk/A
- pn
- 28 mAdhav/a
- pn (of kRSNa)
- 29 mAdhav/I
- the Earth;
pn (any woman of the race of madhu or yadu, e.g. kuntI)
- 31 madh/u
- honey;
the spring season, springtime
- 32 madhUk/a
- honey tree (Madhuca longifolia)
- 33 madhuniSUdan/a
- pn (of kRSNa)
- 34 madhupark/a
- honey and curds
- 35 madhur/aA
- sweet;
fresh (water)
- 38 madhusUdan/a
- pn (of kRSNa)
- 42 madhy/aA
- middle
- 43 madhyAhn/a
- m noon
- 44 madhyam/aA
- waist;
the middle
- 45 madhyasth/a
- mediator
- 46 madirAzv/a
- pn
- 47 madIy/aA
- mine
- 48 madr/a
- pn (of a country, its king was zalya in the mbh war)
- 54 madrak/a
- pn (of a country)
- 61 mAdravat/I
- pn
- 65 mAdr/I
- pn (second wife of pANDu and mother of nakula and sahadeva and sister of zalya)
- 67 mAdRz/aI
- such as me
- 69 mady/a
- wine, liquor
- 70 magadh/a
- pn (always pl, see lup -- the country of the magadhas)
- 71 mAgadh/aI
- pn (belonging to the magadhas or their country, king of the magadhas);
- 72 maGgal/aA
- good things, good fortune, good luck, happiness;
(pl) good luck rites
- 74 maGgaly/a
- pious, pure, holy, giving good luck
- 76 mAgh/a
- pn (of a month, roughly January)
- 77 magh/A
- pn (of the tenth nakSatra, containing Regulus)
- 78 maghav/an
- pn (of indra;
see zva;yuva;maghonA)
- 79 maghav/atu
- pn (of indra, see zvayuva)
- 80 maGk/i
- pn
- 81 magn/aA
- sunk (esp. into misfortune);
firmly fixed upon
- 82 mahA
- (former) big, great
- 84 mahAbAho
- hey strong-armed guy
- 90 mahAbhAg/a
- your holiness, his holiness, reverend, blessed (applied to holy men and gods);
great person
- 91 mahAbhAgy/a
- (n) high excellence, exalted position
- 92 mahAbhArat/a
- n pn (of a story)
- mahAbhArat/a
- pn (of a story)
- 94 mahAbhUt/a
- (n pl) the elements
- 96 mahAbuddh/i
- pn
- 98 mahad
- big, great
- 99 mahAdev/a
- pn (of ziva)
- 108 mahAjan/a
- the notables, VIPs (sg may mean pl)
- 112 mahAmat/i
- sage (or anyone with great intelligence)
- 113 mahAmAy/a
- pn
- 117 mahAn
- big, great
- 120 mahAnas/a
- n kitchen
- 121 mahanIy/aA
- to be honoured, praiseworthy, illustrious, glorious (mah to magnify, esteem highly)
- 122 mahAntam
- big, great (mahat- + am, with sAnta)
- 123 mahAntas
- big (mahat + jas, see sAntama)
- 124 mahAnti
- big, great (mahat- + zi, with sAnta)
- 127 mahApadm/a
- pn (of an elephant)
- 129 mahApArzv/a
- pn
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