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zarvarI >>>
zAlin ... zarva
- 0 zAl/in
- full of rice
- 3 zAlmal/i
- pn (sort of tree, Bombax ceiba, has red flowers)
- 6 zAlv/a
- pn (of a country)
- 9 zAlveyak/a
- pn
- 10 zaly/a
- pn (WP Shalya a king of madra, brother of mAdrI, k)
- 16 zam/a
- tranquillity, rest, quietness, calm, equanimity
- 18 zamay/ati
- he calms down, appeases, renders ineffective
- 19 zamayiS/yati
- will calm down;
will destroy
- 20 zamayitum
- to appease, allay, alleviate, pacify, calm, soothe
- 21 zambar/a
- pn (of a demon, foe of indra)
- 22 zambh/u
- pn (of ziva)
- 24 zam/I
- pn (a sort of tree)
- 25 zam/i
- pn (a sort of tree)
- 26 zAmitr/a
- killing the sacrificial victims
- 27 zamitum
- to calm down, to appease, to render ineffective
- 28 zaMs/ati
- he tells, he says, he praises
- 29 zaMs/atR
- telling, saying, praising, foretelling, indicating
- 30 zaMs/in
- (latter) that indicates
- 31 zaMsitum
- to tell, to say
- 34 zAmy/ate
- calms down, desists (zam + uselessNic + yak);
pacify, appease, cause to calm down
- 35 zAmy/ati
- calms down;
ceases, quits, stops
- 36 zanais
- slowly, gradually
- 37 zanaizcar/a
- Saturn
- 38 zanakais
- gently;
- 39 zANDil/I
- pn
- 40 zAnt/a
- calm, peaceful of mind, serene
- 42 zAntanav/a
- pn (of bhISma son of zaMtanu)
- 43 zAntan/u
- pn (of king zaMtanu)
- 44 zantan/u
- pn (WP Shantanu a king, aka zAMtanu, father of bhISma and vicitravIrya and husband of satyavatI)
- 45 zAnt/i
- peace of mind, calm, serenity
- 47 zAp/a
- a curse
- 48 zap/ate
- he curses
- 49 zapath/a
- (mn) a curse, oath, vow
- 50 zap/ati
- he curses
- 51 zApit/aA
- (was) cursed
- 52 zapitum
- to curse
- 53 zapt/a
- (was) cursed
- 54 zaptum
- to curse
- 55 zar/a
- arrow
- 56 zarabh/a
- pn (sort of animal, stronger than a lion, WP Sharabha)
- 57 zara/d
- f autumn, fall
- 58 zArad/a
- autumnal
- 61 zAradvat/a
- (son of zaradvat) pn (of kRpa)
- 62 zAradvat/I
- pn (of kRpI, a princess)
- 63 zAradv/atu
- pn (of kRpa, son of zaradvatu)
- 64 zaradv/atu
- pn (of a sage, son of gautama)
- 66 zaraghAt/a
- arrow-blow
- 69 zaraN/aA
- n refuge, protection, forgiveness, inmunity, amnesty
- 71 zaraNy/a
- affording shelter, yielding help or protection
- 72 zaraNy/aA
- affording shelter, yielding help or protection to (gen. or comp.)
- 75 zarAsan/a
- bow (or any arrow-thrower -- root as')
- 76 zarastamb/a
- a thicket of reeds
- 78 zarAv/a
- a shallow cup, dish, plate, platter, earthenware vessel
- 79 zaravaN/a
- pn (the pleasure garden of umA and ziva in the himAlaya;
here ila was converted into a female and skandha was born)
- 80 zarAvAp/a
- (arrow-caster:) a bow; a quiver
- 85 zArdUl/a
- tiger
- 86 zArGg/a
- pn (of the bow of viSNu, made of zRGga)
- zArGg/a
- pn (of the bow of kRSNa)
- 92 zArik/a
- maina bird (WP Common hill myna)
- 93 zarIr/aA
- n body
- 94 zArIr/aI
- bodily, corporeal
- 95 zarIr/iN
- embodied, incarnated, in bodily form, in visible form
- 96 zarIriN/I
- embodied, incarnated, in bodily form, in visible form
- 97 zarkar/A
- gravel
- 98 zarkar/a
- pebble, piece of gravel
- 99 zarm/aN
- n safety, happiness, comfort, protection, shelter
- 101 zarmiSTh/A
- pn (of one of the wives of yayAti)
- 103 zarv/a
- pn (of ziva)
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