<<< sevate
sodarya >>>
sevati ... sodara
- 0 sev/ati
- he frequents (ArSam for sevate)
- 1 sev/in
- that lives at
- 2 sevit/aA
- frequented by
- 3 sevitvA
- served and
- 5 sId/ati
- he sits (root sad)
- 6 sId/atR
- sitting (sad)
- 7 siddh/aA
- accomplished, perfected, succeeded, verified;
pn (a superhuman race);
magic user
- 9 siddh/i
- success, perfection, enlightenment;
accomplishment, power (esp. paranormal)
- 11 sidhy/ati
- succeeds, has success, is succesful
- 12 siJc/atR
- sprinkling, splashing
- 13 sikat/A
- a grain of sand or gravel
- 14 sikt/aA
- sprinkled
- 15 sIm/A
- border
- 16 sImantin/I
- woman
- 17 siMh/A
- lion (siMha as latter)
- 18 siMh/aI
- lion
- 23 siMhAsan/a
- throne
- 25 siMhikA
- (little lioness:) pn (of the mother of svarabhAnu)
- 26 sindh/u
- (f) river;
pn (of a country and clan)
- 29 sindUr/a
- vermillion (cinnabar, HgS)
- 30 sIs/a
- lead (the metal)
- 31 siSeve
- he served, waited on, studied under
- 32 siSicus
- they sprinkled
- 33 sIt/A
- pn (of the wife of rAma, daughter of janaka)
- 34 sit/a
- white, pale, bright, light
- 35 sit/aA
- bound, tied, fettered (root is SiJ or So)
- 36 sitAsit/a
- white and black, freckled
- 38 skand/a
- pn (of the god of war, kArttikeya)
- 39 skandh/a
- shoulder;
branch, trunk
- 41 skandya
- jumped and
- 42 skhalit/a
- tripping, straying away, staggering
- 43 sma
- (turns present into past;
see sma for examples)
- 44 smar/a
- pn (of the god of love)
- 46 smarant/I
- remembering
- 47 smar/ati
- he remembers
- 48 smar/atR
- remembering
- 49 smAray/ati
- he makes (them) remember
- 50 smariS/yate
- he will remember
- 51 smariS/yati
- he will remember
- 52 smart/Asmi
- I will remember
- 53 smartum
- to remember
- 54 smas
- we are
- 55 smayamAn/aA
- smiling
- 56 smay/ate
- he smiles
- 57 smay/atR
- smiling
- 59 smer/a
- full of;
- 60 smit/aA
- smile
- 61 smRt/aA
- remembered
- 62 smRt/i
- memory, remembering;
the epics
- 63 smRtvA
- remembered and
- 64 snAn/a
- bath
- 65 snapayitvA
- bathed (someone) and
- 66 snAt/aA
- bathed
- 67 snAtak/a
- brahmin (a kind of brahmin;
see MMW)
- 68 snAtum
- to bathe
- 69 sneh/aA
- affection, fondness, attachment
- 70 snigdh/a
- smooth, soft, tender, lovely, gentle;
gluey, sticky, oily, slippery
- 71 snuS/A
- daughter-in-law
- 72 sodar/a
- brother (same mother - usually 'full brother')
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sodarya >>>