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visasRpus ... vivizAte

0 visasRpus
they scattered
2 viSay/a
object, subject, matter;
object of senses, material things, wordly objects;
country, range, territory, domain, field, sphere of influence;

4 viSId/ati
he is depairing, depressed, despondent
5 viSId/atR
(that is) sinking down, despairing, depressed, dejected
6 viSkambh/a
7 vismay/a
amazement, awe, surprise, wonder;
8 vismit/aA
surprised, amazed ;
proud, arrogant
9 viSN/u
pn (of a god, or of God if you are a vaiSNava)
11 visphArya
twanging, shooting (a bow)
12 visphoT/a
burst, explosion
13 visphuliGg/a
15 visrabdh/aA
confiding, confident, fearless, tranquil, calm (root zrambh)
16 visrambh/aA
confidence, trust (in someone's words)
18 visRj/ati
he sends out, emits, creates, poops
19 visRj/atR
that is sending out, letting go of, defecating
20 visRjya
threw away and, shot and, let go of and
21 visRST/aA
sent out
22 visRSTav/atu
(he) sent out
23 visRt/aA
stretched out, spread;
sent forth, dispatched
24 viSTabhya
parked and
25 vistAr/a
spreading, expansion, extent
26 vistar/a
extension, prolixity, longwindedness;
details, extensions;
in detail, in extenso
27 vistAray/ati
makes (them) spread
28 vistarazas
in detail, in extenso
29 viSThit/a
standing on
30 vistIrN/aA
31 vistIry/ate
it is spread
32 vistRt/aA
33 viSvag
in all directions;
on both sides
34 viSvaksen/a
pn (of kRSNa)
35 visvar/a
ill-sounding, dissonant, out of tune
36 vIt/a
that have lost, deprived of, that no longer have;
lost, gone away, vanished;
38 vitarkay/ati
he thinks, guesses, figures out, reflects, considers
39 vitarkay/atR
thinking, guessing, figuring out, reflecting, considering
40 vitarkayitvA
reflected and
41 vitat/a
42 vitath/aA
null and void, untrue, false, invalid, nullified
43 vitatya
spread out and
44 vitrAsay/atR
45 vitrAsayitvA
terrified and, frightened and (tras)
46 vitrAsit/aA
47 vitrast/aA
terrified, panicked
48 vitt/a
wealth, a property
49 vittar/a
more knowledgeable
50 vittez/a
pn (of kubera)
51 vitudyamAn/aA
being hit
52 vivAd/a
quarrel, dispute
55 vivAh/a
marriage, wedding
56 vivAj/a
pn (of a horse)
58 vivar/a
hole, fissure
59 vivardhan/aA
60 vivardh/ate
it grows, gets stronger
61 vivardhit/aA
grown, increased, strengthened (vRdh Nic kta)
62 vivarjan/a
n (the act of) avoiding, shunning, leaving, giving up, desisting from
63 vivarjay/ati
he avoids
64 vivarjit/a
deprived of
65 vivarN/a
discolored, pale, colorless
66 vivAs/a
emigration, going to live elsewhere
67 vivAsan/a
banishing, exile
68 vivAsit/aA
(was) banished, exiled
69 vivasv/atu
pn (of the Sun and other gods)
70 vivats/A
decalfed, deprived of her young
71 vivaz/aA
72 vivek/a
discrimination, discernment (wisdom to tell apart real from unreal)
73 viveza
went in, entered
74 vividh/aA
diverse, of several kinds, varied
75 vivikt/a
secluded, solitary, retired (place)
76 viviMzat/i
77 vivizAte
both entered


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