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viparidhAvati ... visasarja

0 viparidhAv/ati
runs around
1 viparidhAv/atR
(that is) running around
2 viparIt/a
opposite, contrary, adverse, reversed, inverted
3 viparivart/ate
goes round and round
5 viparyast/aA
inverted, reversed, upside down
6 viparyay/a
failure, reversal;
the opposite
7 vipATh/a
8 vipazci/t
learned, wise
9 vipin/a
11 viplav/a
destruction, ruin, misfortune
12 viplut/a
gone astray
13 vipr/a
priest, brahmin
14 vipradrut/aA
ran away
17 viprahIn/aA
destitute or deprived of (same as vihIna)
19 viprakartum
to treat with disrespect, hurt, injure, offend, oppress
20 viprakIrN/a
scattered about
21 vipralabdh/aA
23 vipramucy/ate
he is freed, he is liberated
24 vipramukt/aA
thrown, shot
27 viprathay/atR
spreading out
28 vipratIp/a
opponent, hostile;
(fig.) reversed, inverted
30 vipratipann/aA
that has been confounded
31 vipravAsit/a
exiled, emigrated
32 vipraviddh/a
(root vyadh) dispersed, scattered;
violently struck or shaken
34 viprayog/a
35 viprayukt/a
36 vipriy/a
disagreeable, unpleasant, unkind;
n unpleasant words;
37 vipul/aA
wide, large, huge
38 vIr/aA
hero, valiant, courageous
39 vIrabAh/u
pn k (of a son of dhRtarASTra)
40 viracit/aA
45 virah/a
46 virahit/aA
47 viraj/a
dustless, clean, shiny
48 virAj/ate
shines all around
49 virAjit/aA
splendid, glorious, shining, brilliant, splendid
51 virakt/aA
disillusioned, disappointed
52 viram/ati
stops, desists, ceases
54 virarAja
it shone
55 virarAma
he stopped
56 vIrasen/a
pn (a king, father of nala)
pn (a king, father of nala)
57 virAT/a
pn (p WP Virata a king of the matsyas, father of uttara)
58 virat/aA
stopped (ram)
61 virathIkRt/aA
62 virejire
they shone
63 viriJc/a
pn (of brahmA, sometimes of viSNu or ziva)
64 virocan/a
the sun, moon, or fire;
pn (of an asura- (son of prahlAda- and father of bali-)
65 virodh/a
hostility, quarrel, conflict, opposition, contradiction
66 viruddh/aA
opposed, opposition
67 vIru/dh
herb, plant
68 virUDh/aA
grown (ruh)
69 vIrudhAm
of all kinds of herbs and plants
70 virUp/aA
ugly, deformed
72 viruruts/ate
wants to oppose, wants to start a war (rudh + san)
73 vIry/a
74 vIryav/atu
courageous, mighty, valiant
75 viS/aA
nm venom;
76 viSAd/a
despair, depression, hopelessness, dejection, despondency
78 viSAd/in
depressive (that has viSAda)
80 viSah/ate
is able to;
he endures
81 viSah/ati
he endures
82 viSahiS/yate
he will endure
84 viSahitum
to conquers;
to be able to;
to endure
85 viSahya
after enduring
87 visaJjJ/aA
88 viSam/a
danger, crisis, perilous strait
89 viSamI
uneven, rough, harsh (viSama + cvi)
91 viSAN/a
n horn
92 viSAN/in
93 viSaNN/aA
depressed, despondent, despairing
94 visarg/a
outbreath, exhalation, expiration
95 visarjan/a
dismissing, seeing out, letting go, parting, goodbye
96 visarjayA/mAsa
he dismissed
97 visarjay/ati
he lets go
98 visarjayitvA
let (him) go and
99 visarjit/a
dismissed, seen out, let go
100 visarjit/aA
(was) released
101 visarjitavat/I
(she etc.) sent away
102 visarp/atR
extending, diffusing
103 visasarja
he threw out, threw up, emitted, shot


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