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viceSTatR ... vidyunmAlin

0 viceST/atR
moving the limbs about, writhing, struggling
1 viceSTit/a
what is done, action, behaviour
2 vicetan/aA
3 vicet/as
4 vicikSepa
he bent;
he stretched out
6 vicinotu
he should consider carefully (vi + ci)
7 vicintayA/mAsa
he thought
8 vicintay/atR
9 vicintya
thought it over and
10 vicinty/ate
it is considered, it is reflected on
11 vicinvAn/aA
searching, investigating (should be vicinvatR)
12 vicinv/atR
searching, investigating
13 vicitr/aA
various, diverse
14 vicitravIry/a
pn (WP Vichitravirya, son of zaMtanu and satyavatI, legal father of dhRtarASTra, pANDu and vidura)
15 vi/d
(latter) knower
16 vidadhAmi
I distribute
17 vidadhAti
he commands
18 vidadhe
he assigned, installed, arranged
20 vidAh/in
21 vidAn/aA
that knows (zAnac)
22 vidanti
they know (vid lukclass)
23 vidAraN/a
breaker, that tears asunder (dq)
24 vidarbh/a
pn (of a people and their country, always pl)
25 vidArit/aA
(was) cut open
26 vidArya
tore and
28 viddh/aA
(was) pierced, wounded, struck (vyadh zyanclass);
was offered (vidh zaclass)
29 viddhi
you should know (I tell you)
30 viddhvA
pierced and (root vyadh)
32 videh/a
pn (of a country)
33 videz/a
foreign land
34 vidh/aA
kind, sort, class, type
35 vidham/atR
(while) dispersing, scattering
36 vidhAn/a
rule, method, regulation
37 vidhAs/yati
I will set up
39 vidhAt/R
40 vidhatsva
take a decision!
41 vidhav/A
42 vidhAya
apportioned and, distributed and, furnished and
43 vidhey/aA
obedient, submissive, docile;
what is to be done, duty, necessity;
to be used or procured
44 vidh/i
rule, law, command;
fate, destiny;
45 vidhits/A
( + dhA + san + a', with sanimImA) desire to do or perform;
design, purpose, desire in general
46 vidhits/ati
(dhA + san) wants to get, intends;
is about to do
47 vidhits/u
wanting to manage, arrange, set, do (vi + dhA + san, with sanimImA)
48 vidhivad
duly, well (according to the proper rules), legally
49 vidhIy/ate
there is;
it is being set up (vi dhA)
it is said to be
51 vidhUm/a
54 vidhunvAn/aA
shaking, moving to and fro (dhU + zAnac)
56 vidhUya
drove away and ([MW vidhU])
57 vidhUyamAn/aA
being agitated, shaken
58 vidhvaMsan/a
(act of) breaking, destroying;
defiling, insulting, violating (a woman, kathAs)
59 vidhvaMsay/atR
breaking, destroying
60 vidhvaMsayiS/yati
he will turn into dust, he will destroy
61 vidhvast/aA
crushed, crumbled down
62 vidhy/ati
63 vidhy/atR
66 vidIrN/aA
scattered, dispersed (dq)
67 vidit/aA
understood, known, discovered, recognised, found
68 viditvA
(after) knowing
70 vidma
we know (with vidolaTovA)
71 vidmahe
we find
72 vidmas
we know
74 vidrAvya
made (them) flee and (vi dru Nic lyap)
76 vidrum/a
78 vidrut/a
fled, ran away, went into hiding
79 vidudhAva
dispersed (root dhU)
81 vidur/a
pn (WP Vidura, aka kSattR, son of vicitravIrya, brother of dhRtarASTra and pANDu, reincarnation of yama god of justice and the dead)
85 vidUre
far from
86 vidus
they know
88 vid/vasu
(vid + vasu) wise, learned, sage;
that knows
90 vidveSaN/a
hater, hating, hateful, disliking, having an aversion to
92 vidy/aA
f knowledge, science, wisdom
93 vidyAd
let him know, be it known
94 vidyAdhar/aI
pn (of a race of superhuman beings)
96 vidy/ate
there is;
it is known
97 vidy/ati
there is (ArSam for vidyate)
99 vidyot/ate
flashes forth, shines forth (as the rising sun) (vi + dyut)
100 vidyuddhvaj/a
101 vidyujjihv/a
pn (of a demon)
102 vidyullekh/A
103 vidyunmAl/in
pn (of an asura)


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