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yajg ... yathaiva

0 ya/jg
(latter) a sacrificer
1 yAj/in
sacrificer, worshipper
2 yajJ/a
sacrifice, rite;
sacrificing, performing rites
3 yajJasen/a
pn (p of drupada)
4 yAjJasen/I
pn (of draupadI, daughter of yajJasena aka drupada)
5 yAjJasen/i
pn (p of dhRSTadyumna, son of yajJasena aka drupada)
6 yAjJavalky/a
pn (WP Yajnavalkya, a sage)
7 yajJazatr/u
8 yaj/us
pn (of the third veda)
9 yajv/an3
10 yAjy/a
sacrificer (same as yajamAna)
11 yakS/aI
pn (a sort of goblin, see races)
12 yakSmAN/a
tuberculosis (maybe)
13 yakS/yate
he will sacrifice
14 yAm
f the one whom
15 yam
m the one whom
16 yAm/a
a watch of the night
17 yam/a
m self-control, forbearance, restriction, vow (any great moral rule or duty, as opposed to niyama, a minor observance);
pn (of the god of death);
a twin (in the MBH yamau means mainly nakula and sahadeva)
19 yAmas
let's go
20 yAmi
I go
22 yAmun/a
pn (related to the yamunA river)
23 yamun/A
pn (of a river)
24 yamun/a
pn (for yamunA in compound)
25 yAmy/a
related to yama
26 yAn
the ones whom
27 yAn/a
chariot, vehicle, conveyance
28 yAni
the ones that
29 yAntam
30 yAntas
31 yAnt/I
32 yAnti
they go
33 yant/R
restrainer, esp. charioteer, driver, mahout
34 yantr/a
n device, machine (esp. a waterwheel)
35 yAntu
let them go!
37 yAs
f the ones that
38 yas
the one that
39 yAsi
you go (root )
40 yasmAd
the one from which;
because of which
41 yasmin
mn the one in which, the place where (yad- + Gi, same as yatra)
42 yaSTavy/a
to be worshipped or adored ( ! )
43 yaST/i
stick, stylus
44 yaST/R
sacrificer (yaj + tRc)
46 yAsu
f the (ones) in which
47 yasya
the one whose, he who has;
and he has
48 yasyAm
f the one in which
49 yasyAs
f the one whose
50 yAs/yate
he'll go
51 yAs/yati
he'll go
52 yAsy/atR
about to go, willing to go, ready to go (yA + sya + zatR)
53 yAt/a
(has) gone (yA + kta)
go! (yA + loT tha)
54 yat/a
restrained, tamed, controlled, subdued (root yam)
55 yatamAn/aA
making an effort, trying, striving
56 yatas
that from which;
since, because;
because of which
57 yat/ate
he strives, makes efforts (root yat)
58 yat/ati
he strives, makes efforts (root yat)
59 yat/atR
61 yathA
like, the same way as, according to, so that (correlative of tathA)
62 yathAbhAgam
according to (his) share;
each in (his) appointed place
64 yathAgatam
as (he) came;
as (he) went
73 yathApuram
as before
74 yathAsaGgam
ind. according to need or exigency, suitably, opportunely
75 yathAsukham
to ease or pleasure, at ease, at will or pleasure, comfortably, agreeably
76 yathAtatham
as it is, exactly, literally
77 yAthAtathy/a
reality, truth, real state or condition
78 yathAtathyena
in accordance with the truth, really, truly
79 yathAvad
81 yathAvidhi
according to the rules
82 yathAvRtt/aA
as it happened;
as behaving oneself


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