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yAti ... yogya

0 yAti
1 yat/i
controller, restrainer, tamer;
an ascetic
2 yatiS/yate
he will strive, make efforts
3 yatiS/yati
he will strive
4 yatit/aA
he attempted to, he made efforts to (with tumun)
5 yatitum
to strive, to make an effort
6 yatkRte
because of which, he for whose benefit, he because of whom;
it's because of it that
7 yatn/a
8 yatnatas
with effort
9 y/atR
that goes
10 yAtr/A
expedition, going, travel
support of life , livelihood , maintenance
11 yatra
wherever, the place in which, the one in whom, the one in which (yad- + tral, same as yasmin)
13 yatt/aA
watchful, on guard (root yat)
15 yAtu
(may he) go
16 yAtudhAn/a
demon, sorcerer, ghost
17 yAtum
to go
18 yAtvA
go and
19 yatvA
restrained and (yam, m lost by anudAttopadeza)
20 yau
the two that;
21 yaudhiSThir/a
belonging to yudhiSThira
22 yaudhiSThir/aI
belonging to yudhiSThira;
m p pn (of prativindhya)
23 yaugandharAyaN/a
24 yaun/aI
related to birth (yuna + aN)
25 yauvan/aA
n youth ;
coming of age, end of childhood
26 yauvanAzv/a
pn (of a king)
27 yauvarAjy/a
heir-apparent-hood (status of being heir to the throne)
28 yav/a
29 yAvad
as much as;
for as long as, while, when;
okay, well then
31 yAvAn
as much as
32 yavan/a
Greek (Ionic, from Ionia)
33 yavas/a
grass, fodder, pasturage
34 yAv/atu
(sg) as much as, (pl) as many as
35 yavI/yasu
36 yayA
(f) the one by which;
and by her
37 yayAcire
they requested
38 yAyAd
may it go (yA + yAt''')
39 yayAt/i
40 yayau
he went
41 yAy/in
goer, traveler, that can go
42 yayos
the two whose, the two in which
43 yayus
they went
44 yaz/as
47 yazasv/in
48 yazasy/aA
conferring fame
49 ye
m the ones that (has jas);
f n the two that (has au)
50 yebhyas
the ones from which, the ones to which;
from which
51 yena
the one by which;
by which reason, and that's why, because
53 yeSAm
the ones that have, the ones whose;
whose, and of them
54 yeSu
the ones in which
55 yiyakS/u
planning to sacrifice (yaj + san + u')
56 yiyAs/u
wanting to go (yA + san + u')
57 yoddhavy/a
has to be fought with
58 yoddhavyam
fighting must happen
59 yoddh/R
fighter, warrior, soldier
61 yoddh/um
to fight
62 yodh/aA
war, fight;
soldier, fighter, warrior
63 yodhayA/mAsa
he fought
64 yodhay/ati
makes (them) fight
65 yodhay/atR
66 yodhayiS/yati
he will fight
67 yodhayitvA
made them fight and
68 yodh/in
fighter, soldier
69 yodhy/aA
should be fought
70 yog/a
strategy, plan;
71 yogakSem/a
property, capital, sustenance, livelihood;
care or anxiety about acquisition or possession
73 yoganand/a
pn (of a king)
74 yog/in
yogi (that has yoga)
75 yogy/aA
useful, serviceable, proper, fit or qualified for, able or equal to, capable of


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