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paGkti ... pannagI
- 0 paGkt/i
- row, line
- 1 pAhi
- protect! rule!
- 3 paitAmah/a
- ancestral (belonging to one's grandfather or ancestors)
- 4 paitRk/a
- paternal, fatherly (related to the father or to the pitris)
- 5 paizAc/aI
- related to the pizAca
- 6 paizun/a
- calumny, slander
- 8 paJca
- five
- 9 pAJcabhautik/aA
- made of the five elements (paJcabhUta)
- 10 paJcabhis
- five
- 11 paJcabhyas
- five
- 12 paJcadaz/aI
- fifteenth
- 13 paJcadhA
- that has five parts
- 14 pAJcajany/a
- pn (of kRSNa's conch)
- 15 paJcAl/a
- (pl) pn (of a country)
- 16 pAJcAl/aI
- pn (paJcAla + aN)
- 17 pAJcAlak/a
- pn (same as pAJcAla)
- 18 pAJcAl/I
- a princess of the paJcAlas (esp. DraupadI)
- pAJcAl/I
- pn (of draupadI)
- 19 pAJcAlik/A
- a princess of the paJcAlas (esp. DraupadI);
a doll
- 20 pAJcAly/a
- pn (of zikhandin)
- 22 paJcam/aI
- fifth
- 23 paJcanad/a
- pn (of the Panjab)
- 24 paJcAnAm
- of five
- 25 paJcasu
- in five
- 26 paJcat/A
- fiveness (death)
- 27 paJcatv/a
- fiveness (death)
- 29 paJcAz/aA
- fiftieth (ArSam)
- 30 paJcAzad
- fifty
- 31 paJcAzadbhis
- by fifty
- 32 paJcAza/t
- fifty
- 33 paJcazikh/a
- pn
- 34 paJjar/a
- cage
- 35 pAk/a
- pn (of some demon killed by indra)
- 36 pAkazAsan/a
- pn (of indra, 'punisher of pAka')
- 37 pAkazAsan/i
- pn (of arjuna, as son of pAkazAsana)
- 38 pakS/a
- wing, side;
- 40 pakS/iN
- bird
- 41 pakSm/aN3
- (sg and pl) eyelashes
- 42 pakv/aA
- cooked, ripe (see pacovaH)
- 43 pAl/a
- protector, ruler, shepherd
- 45 pAlak/a
- -herd (as in shepherd, cowherd, goatherd)
- pAlak/a
- pn
- 48 pAlan/a
- protection, shepherding
- 49 palAyamAn/aA
- fleeing
- 50 pAlayA/mAsa
- he protected, ruled
- 51 palAyan/a
- flight, escape
- 53 palAy/ate
- he flees
- 55 pAlay/ati
- he protects, rules (not same as palAyati 'flees')
- 56 palAy/ati
- he flees (not same as pAlayati 'protects')
- 57 pAlay/atR
- protecting, ruling
- 58 palAy/atR
- fleeing
- 59 palAy/in
- one that flees
- 60 pAlayiS/yati
- he will protect, rule
- 61 palAyit/aA
- he fled
- 63 palAyitum
- to flee
- 64 palAz/a
- pn (of a kind of tree, WP Butea monosperma);
- 65 palAzin/I
- leafy
- 66 palit/a
- n gray hair
- 67 pAlit/aA
- protected, ruled
- 68 palval/a
- n a pool, small tank, pond
- 69 pAlyamAn/aA
- being protected
- 70 pAMsan/a
- disgracing, disgracer
- 71 pAMs/u
- pl dust, sand
- 72 pAMsuk/a
- (pl) dust, sand
- 73 pAN/a
- bet, stake, gambling
- 74 pAn/a
- n drink, beverage (mostly nonalcoholic)
- 75 paN/a
- agreement
- 77 panas/a
- pn (of a monkey)
- 78 paN/ate
- he stakes
- 79 paNav/a
- cymbal
- 81 pANDav/a
- pn (the five sons of pANDu, namely yudhiSThira, bhImasena, arjuna, nakula, sahadeva;
see WP Pandava)
- 82 pANDavApi
- the pANDavas too (ArSam sandhi for pANDavAs + api)
- 84 pANDavey/a
- pn (of the pANDavas)
- 85 pANDav/I
- belonging to the pANDavas
- 86 paNDit/aA
- wise, smart, knowledgeable;
intellectual, scholar, learned person
- 87 pAND/u
- pn (son of vicitravIrya, husband of kuntI and mAdrI);
pale, white
- 90 pANDur/a
- pale, white (same as pANDu)
- 91 pANDy/a
- pl pn (of a people and country in the Dekhan;
of their king)
- pANDy/a
- pn
- 93 pAN/i
- hand
- 95 pANigrAh/a
- the one that took the hand (of a woman in marriage)
- 96 pAN/in
- (latter) that has in the hand
- 97 pANinIy/a
- pn (of pANini's grammar)
- 98 paNit/aA
- someone that has bet;
something that has been bet, a stake;
n a bet, wager
- 99 pAnIy/a
- drinkable;
any drink
- 100 pannag/aI
- snake, nAga
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