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hRSTa >>>
hatya ... hRSita
- 0 haty/aA
- f murder, -cide (as in 'fratricide' etc)
- 2 hav/is
- n oblation (anything offered to the sacred fire -- ghee, grain, soma, milk, etc)
- hav/is
- fire;
- 3 haviSm/atu
- that has havis (mainly ghee)
- 4 havy/a
- oblation (anything given to the gods in rites, usually ghee)
- 5 havyavA/h
- pn (of the god of fire, oblation-carrier)
- 6 havyavAhan/a
- fire (oblation-carrier)
- 8 hay/a
- horse
- 9 hayagrIv/a
- pn
- 10 hAyan/aA
- mn year
- 13 he
- hey!
- 14 hem/a
- gold
- 15 hemakUT/a
- pn (of a mountain)
- 18 hem/an1
- gold
- 19 hemavarm/aN3
- pn (of king hiraNyavarman)
- 20 heramb/a
- pn (of gaNeza)
- 21 heSamAN/aA
- neighing
- 22 heSamANAn/aA
- neighing, whinnying
- 24 heSit/aA
- neighing, whinnying
- 25 het/u
- m cause, reason, motive, impulse;
logic, way it works, rationale
- 26 hevAk/in
- devoted to
- 27 hi
- because;
- 28 hiDimb/A
- pn (of hiDimba's sister, mother of ghaTotkaca)
- 29 hiDimb/a
- pn (of a demon, brother of hiDimbA)
- 30 him/a
- ice, snow, cold, coolness
- 32 himakund/a
- pn (of a flower, winter jasmine, Indian jasmine)
- 33 himAlay/a
- pn (WP Himalaya)
- 34 himAtapau
- cold and heat (looks ungrammatical, I'd say)
- 35 himav/atu
- the himAlaya
- 36 hiMs/A
- wish to harm;
hurt, damage
- 37 hiMs/ati
- he hurts, injures, damages
- 38 hiMsayA/mAsa
- he harmed
- 39 hiMsIs
- (don't) harm
- 40 hiMsiS/yate
- he will harm
- 41 hiMsit/aA
- injured
- 42 hiMsyAd
- he would harm
- 43 hIn/aA
- deprived of, lacking, without
- hIn/aA
- (hA + kta) abandoned;
(latter) devoid of, lacking
- 44 hinasti
- he harms
- 46 hiraNmay/aI
- made of gold;
golden, gold-coloured
- 47 hiraNvat/I
- pn (of various rivers)
- 48 hiraNy/a
- gold
- 49 hiraNyagarbh/a
- pn (of brahmA)
- 50 hiraNyagupt/a
- pn (of a merchant)
- 51 hiraNyalom/an1
- pn
- 52 hiraNyapur/a
- tp
- 53 hiraNyavarm/aN3
- pn (of a king, aka kaJcanavarman)
- 54 hit/aA
- (dhA + kta) good (for someone), salutary, beneficial;
wellbeing, welfare;
suitable for;
set, laid upon;
engaged in;
(hA + kta) abandoned
- 56 hitaiS/in
- well-wisher (hita welfare + eSin wanter)
- 57 hitakAm/a
- well-wishing, well-wisher
- 58 hitakAmy/A
- desire to do good to others
- 60 hitvA
- after leaving (hA abandon);
after putting (dhA put)
- 63 hIy/ate
- is being neglected (hA + yak + laT)
- 64 hIy/ati
- it shrinks
- 65 hlAdan/a
- (act of) refreshing, refreshment
- 66 hlAday/atR
- refreshing, gladdening
- 68 hom/a
- oblation (ghee etc. thrown into the holy fire)
- 69 hot/R
- the main priest at a sacrifice
- 70 hotravAhan/a
- pn (of a sage)
- 71 hrAd/a
- sound
- 72 hrad/aA
- m lake, pool
- 73 hrAd/in
- sounding, noisy, very loud
- 75 hrasv/a
- short
- 76 hrasvakarN/a
- = pn
- 77 hRcchay/aA
- m love
- 78 hR/d
- n thought, heart, mind;
core, essence, gist (same as hRdaya, but not used before su au jas am au)
- 79 hRday/aA
- n thought, heart, mind;
core, essence, gist (see also hRtpadma-)
- 80 hRdy/A
- pleasing, lovely, delightful, hearty;
internal, inward, inmost, innermost
- 81 hRdy/aA
- hearty (inner;
produced in the heart)
- 82 hrIm/atu
- timid, modest
- 83 hr/Is
- modesty, shyness, shame
- 84 hriyamAN/aA
- being carried away, seized, kidnapped (hR + yak, with riGza)
- 86 hriy/ate
- is taken away, seized, kidnapped
- 87 hRSIkez/a
- pn (of kRSNa)
- 88 hRSit/aA
- happy, joyful, gladdened
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