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zarvarI ... zerate

0 zarvar/I
night, starry night
1 zarvaryAs
in the evening
2 zarvavarm/aN3
4 zas
(affix) -wise, by the (affix, e.g. zatazas = hundredwise, by the hundreds)
5 zAsan/a
6 zAs/ati
he commands, rules, punishes, teaches (epics for zAsti)
7 zAs/atR
commanding, ruling, punishing, teaching
8 zAsiSy/ate
he will command, rule
9 zAsitum
to protect, to rule
10 zaSp/aA
n young or sprouting grass, any grass
11 zast/a
killed (root zas);
praised (root zaMs)
12 zAst/aA
ruled, protected
13 zAsti
he commands, rules, punishes, teaches (zAs)
14 zAst/R
the Ordainer, God
15 zAstr/a
n teaching, science;
the Teachings (the scriptures)
16 zastr/a
n weapon
18 zastr/iN
that has weapons, armed
19 zAstu
let him rule (zAs)
let him rule, let him teach
23 zataghn/I
hundredkiller (no one knows what this was)
24 zatahrad/A
('containing a hundred rays of light') thunderbolt, lightning
25 zat/aI
26 zatakrat/u
pn (of indra)
27 zAtakumbh/a
28 zatAnIk/a
pn p (aka nAkuli, son of nakula and draupadI)
29 zatapatr/a
pn (a king of bird, maybe woodpecker or peacock)
32 zAtayA/mAsa
he made (it) fall, he cut off (a branch)
36 zatazas
by the hundreds
38 zaTh/aA
cheat, rogue, rascal, conman (esp. cheating husband or lover)
41 zAtrav/a
42 zatr/u
44 zatrughn/a
pn (brother of rAma)
45 zatruJjay/a
46 zatruntap/a
47 zatrusah/a
49 zatrutas
from enemies
50 zatrutv/a
51 zauc/a
52 zaunak/a
pn (of a great sage, the reputed author of the Ṛigveda Prātiśākhya and various other Vedic compositions)
53 zauND/a
drunk with, fond of, skilled in, -holic
54 zaur/i
pn (of kRSNa or of his father vasudeva)
55 zaury/a
heroism, bravery, courage
56 zauryAd
as for courage
57 zAv/a
young of any animal
58 zav/a
59 zay/aA
sleeping on, lying down;
f place of rest
60 zayan/a
n bed, couch, sofa, hammock (or wherever you sleep)
61 zayAn/aA
lying down, sleeping, asleep (zAnac)
62 zayanIyak/a
bed, couch (and anything fit to be slept or lain on)
63 zAy/in
lying down
64 zayit/aA
lain, slept
65 zayy/A
bed (zIG + kyap, with ayaGyikGiti, kyap from saMjJAyAMsa)
66 zayy/aA
sleeping on, lying down
67 zaz/a
68 zazAGk/a
the Moon
69 zazAka
was able to
72 zazAma
it calmed down
73 zazaMsa
told, said
74 zazaMs/e
he praised
75 zazaMsus
they praised;
approved of, promised, wished, told
76 zazApa
77 zaz/in
the Moon
78 zazvad
always, constant
79 zazvAsa
he blew, breathed, blowed, hissed, panted, snorted, growled, sighed, groaned
80 zAzvat/aI
perpetual, permanent, eternal, constant;
long (said of time)
81 zekhar/a
m peak;
diadem, crown, crest
82 zekus
they were able
84 zerate
they lie down, they sleep


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