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anupadam ... anveSitum
- 0 anupadam
- following closely
- 2 anupAlay/ati
- he preserves, keeps up, protects
- 3 anupAlay/atR
- that preserves, keeps up, protects
- 4 anuparyeti
- he follows around
- 5 anupAt/in
- that has as a consequence
- 6 anupAyatas
- by bad means (same as an-upAyena)
- 8 anupazy/ate
- he sees;
he foresees, guesses that
- 9 anupazy/ati
- he sees;
he foresees, guesses that
- 10 anuprapann/aA
- that follows after, that conforms strictly to
- 11 anuprApt/aA
- he arrived at;
(was) arrived at
- 12 anuprApya
- reached and
- 14 anupUrv/a
- according to precedence, in due order of succession
- 15 anupUrvazas
- according to precedence, in due order of succession
- 18 AnupUrvyAd
- in due order
- 19 AnupUrvyeNa
- from beginning to end, in chronological order
- 20 anupUrvyeNa
- in due order (according to caste, age, etc)
- 21 anurAdh/A
- pn (of the 17th nakSatra)
- 23 anuraJjay/atR
- winning over, conciliating, gratifying (someone)
- 24 anurakt/aA
- pleased, devoted, attached, beloved, that likes
- 25 anurUp/aA
- befitting, matching, appropriate to
- 26 anuSajj/ate
- clings to, sticks to, is attached to (root saJj)
- 27 anusaMsmar/atR
- remembering, thinking again and again of
- 30 anusantat/aA
- overspreaded, extended everywhere;
in uninterrupted succession
- 32 anUSar/aA
- saltless
- 33 anusAreNa
- according to
- 34 anusAr/iN
- follower, that was following
- 36 anusmar/ati
- he remembers
- 37 anusmar/atR
- (that was) remembering
- 38 anusmRtya
- remembered and
- 40 anuSThAn/a
- carrying out, undertaking;
rite, ceremony
- 41 anuSThAya
- carried out and, performed and (esp. a rite, ceremony)
- 43 anuSThit/a
- performed, carried out
- 44 anutAp/a
- regret, remorse, grief, pain, regret
- anutAp/a
- regret
- 46 anutiSTh/ati
- follows;
carries on, accomplishes, executes
- 47 anuttam/aA
- highest, peerless, best, excellent, unsurpassed
- 48 anuvakr/a
- moving somewhat obliquely or retrogressively (said of planets)
- 50 anuvart/ate
- he follows, imitates
- 51 anuvart/ati
- follows, imitates
- 52 anuvartay/ati
- he makes (it) revolve
- 53 anuvart/in
- follower
- 54 anuvarts/yati
- he will go after (him), he will obey, assent, comply
- 55 anuvarty/aA
- should be obeyed
- 56 anuvidhIy/ate
- it goes after, follows
- 58 anuvind/a
- pn
- 61 anuvrat/aA
- devoted, loyal to
- 63 anuyAs/yate
- he will follow
- 64 anuyAs/yati
- he will follow
- 65 anuyAt/a
- gone after, followed
- 66 anuyAtr/aA
- n retinue, train;
attendance upon
- 67 anuyAy/in
- follower
- 68 anuyayus
- they followed
- 69 anuyuJjmahe
- we aim to
- 70 anuyukt/aA
- asked, addressed
- 71 anuzAdhi
- teach!;
command! (zAs, with s lost by zAhau)
- 72 anuzAsan/a
- teaching;
generalship, competence to guide, command
- 73 anuzAsit/R
- commander, ruler, instructor
- 74 anuzAsti
- he instructs, commands, advises, teches
- 75 anuziST/aA
- (was) instructed
- 76 anuzoc/ati
- he grieves about
- 77 anuzocitum
- to grieve about
- 78 anuzuzruma
- we have afterheard ('the holy scriptures say')
- 80 anvabudhy/ata
- he woke up, figured out, noticed, thought
- 81 anvadhAv/at
- he ran after
- 82 anvadrav/ata
- he ran after
- 84 anvagacch/at
- he followed
- 85 anvagAd
- followed (luG)
- 86 anvagam/at
- he followed
- 87 anvagamy/ata
- was followed
- 88 anvagAs
- you followed (luG)
- 89 anvAjagmus
- they came after
- 90 anvajAnAd
- he gave permission
- 91 anvakIrtay/at
- he said
- 92 anvamod/ata
- he approved of it, applauded
- 93 anvAnay/ate
- he brings
- 94 anvapady/ata
- he followed, went into, began
- 96 anvasar/at
- he followed
- 97 anvAsata
- they sat near (As + laG jha)
- 98 anvAsyamAn/aA
- to sit after (second);
to be seated near (second) ;
to live near (sixth)
- 99 anvAsy/ate
- he sits near
- 101 anvavaikS/ata
- followed with (her) sight from above
- 102 anvavart/ata
- he followed
- 103 anvavekSaN/a
- looking after, inspection
- 105 anvay/aA
- lineage, dinasty, family
- 106 anvayAtAm
- both followed
- 107 anvayus
- they went (yA + laG)
- 108 anvazoc/at
- he grieved about, he felt empathy for
- 109 anvazoc/ata
- he grieved about
- 110 anvehi
- follow!, come after! (anu + AG + iN')
- 111 anveSamAN/aA
- searching
- 112 anveSaN/a
- a search
- 113 anveSat/I
- searching;
aiming at (anu + iS + zatR)
- 114 anveS/iN
- searcher
- 115 anveSitum
- to seek, search
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