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anta ... anUpa

0 ant/aA
m end;
1 antaHpur/a
citadel, inner quarters of a palace, harem
2 antak/a
pn (of yama god of death);
ender, (future) killer of
4 antakar/a
ender, finisher
6 antar
7 antarA
in the middle, inside
8 antar/a
a change, a difference;
a new one, a different one;
(latter) a kind of, a sort of;
the interior, inside;
at (that) time;
intervals between;
among, in between, one of
9 antaradhIy/ata
he disappeared, went into hiding
11 antarAtm/an3
(literally 'inner self') thoughts
12 antardadhe
he disappeared
13 antardhIy/ata
(it) disappeared, went into hiding (should be antaradhIyata)
14 antare
at (that) time;
in between
15 antareNa
far away
16 antarhit/aA
(that) disappeared, hidden
17 antarikS/a
18 antarIy/a
an undergarment;
a lower garment
19 antarvatn/I
21 antav/atu
(that) has an end, transient
22 antik/a
vicinity, neighbourhood
23 antike
24 antr/a
entrail, intestine, guts
26 anty/aA
27 aN/u
28 anu
going after, following
29 anubandh/a
consequence, connection, leading to;
supporter, ally
30 anubandhan/a
consequence, connection, leading to
31 anubandh/in
that has as a consequence
32 anubhAv/A
competency (of a person, like intelligence, charisma, stength, power, etc)
33 anubhAv/a
dignity, authority, gravitas;
firm opinion;
34 anubhaviS/yati
he will experience
35 anubhUt/aA
36 anubhUya
after experiencing
37 anubhUy/ate
it is being experienced
38 anucar/a
follower, attendant, servant, companion
39 anucarit/aA
followed, wandered
40 anucintay/ati
reflects, considers
41 anucintay/atR
(that is) considering, meditating, recalling, thinking of
42 anucintya
reflected and
44 anudarzan/a
the reflecting about, taking into consideration
45 anud/at
pushed, removed
49 anudrutya
ran after and
50 anug/aA
follower, escort, attendant, servant, minion (someone that acts acording to the wishes of someone else) ;
gone after, gone under the protection of
51 anugacch/ati
he follows
52 anugaman/aA
n (act of) following
53 anugAm/in
that follows (in succession)
54 anugamy/ate
is followed
55 anugat/aA
(was) followed;
(has) followed
56 anugatavat/I
(she, you, I) followed
57 anugrah/a
favour, kindness, assistance, help
58 anugrahAd
thanks to
59 anugRhIt/a
honored, thankful
60 anugRhNAti
he helps
62 anuj/A
younger sister
63 anuj/a
younger brother
64 anujagAma
he followed
65 anujagmus
they followed
66 anujAnAmi
I give permission
67 anujAnIhi
please give permission
68 anujAnISva
allow!, grant permission!
70 anujJ/A
consent, permission
71 anujJApya
after asking for permission
72 anujJAsiSam
I gave permission (ArSam for anvajJAsiSam, which is jJA + luG mip, with yamarama)
73 anujJAt/aA
permitted by (third), commanded by, honoured, allowed, acknowlewdged, recognised, dismissed
74 anujJAtum
to give permission
75 anukamp/aA
f empathy, compassion, pity
77 Anukamp/in
78 anukampit/R
that is compassive towards, that feels empathy
79 anukarS/a
m the bottom or the axle-tree of a carriage; attraction, dragging, drawing
80 anukIrtan/a
the act of narrating or proclaiming or publishing
81 anukIrtay/atR
82 anukroz/a
tenderness, compassion.
84 anukUl/aA
following the current, favourable, agreeable, conformable to
85 AnukUly/a
conformity, suitableness, appropriateness (anukUla )
86 anulepan/a
unguent, perfume
87 anulipt/a
88 anulom/aA
along the grain (opp. pratiloma);
in a natural direction
89 anumAn/a
inference, deduction, conjecture, guess
90 anumAnay/ate
he requests permission
91 anumant/R
92 anumantrit/a
enchanted, bewitched (with mantras)
93 anumantrya
consulted with and
94 anumAnya
showed respect and
96 anumat/aA
(was) allowed, was given permission
97 anumate
with the consent
102 anunAday/atR
resounding, echoing, resonant
103 anunAd/in
resounding, echoing, resonant
104 anunAdit/aA
made to resound
105 anunay/a
m conciliation;
salutation, politeness, showing respect
106 anuneS/yati
he'll carry along, persuade
107 anunetum
to carry along, to persuade
108 anunIt/aA
he was led along;
he was appeased, conciliated, pacified, talked into it
109 anunIya
pacify and
110 anUp/a
shore, coast


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