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sas ... saubala

0 sas
that one, he, it (tad- + su, with tadossa)
1 sasmAra
he remembered
2 SaSTh/aI
3 SaST/i
4 sasy/aA
n grain, crops
5 sa/t
true, good;
truth, reality, existence, goodness, what exists;
good person
6 satat/a
constant, of always
7 sAtavAhan/a
pn (of a king)
8 sat/I
being, that is (asti + zatR + GI);
good woman
9 satkAr/a
kind treatment, honour, favour, reverence
10 satkriy/A
11 satkRt/aA
honoured, treated with respect or hospitality, entertained
12 satkRtya
received hospitably and, honored and
13 satkurv/atR
honoring, saluting
14 s/atR
being, that is (asti + zatR)
15 satr/a
sacrifice (huge series of sacrifical sessions)
16 SaTsu
in six (SaS- + sup')
17 sattam/a
most true, authentic
18 sattr/a
house, hospital
19 sattv/aA
n creature;
pn (one of the three guNas) ;
vital energy, might, strength;
mental strength, the Force, joy
20 sAttvik/aI
Sattwic (relating to sattva)
21 satvaram
hurriedly, speedily
22 sAtvat/a
pn (all descendants of sAtvata, father of vRSNi, and esp. of sAtyaki p)
23 sAtvatas
pn (means king of the sAtvats)
24 sAtv/atu
pl pn (of the yadus)
25 saty/aA
true, good, truly;
a creature
26 sAtyak/i
pn (p)
27 satyakIrt/i
28 satyasandh/a
true to his promises
29 satyasen/a
30 satyavat/I
pn (WP Satyavati, wife of zaMtanu and mother of vicitravIrya and pANDu)
31 saubal/a
pn (k of zakuni, son of subala)


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