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nigRhya ... nindyamAna

0 nigRhya
repressing, containing
1 nigUDh/aA
secret, secretly (guh + kta, with Dhralope)
2 nihanmahi
let's kill
3 nihanmi
I kill
4 nihant/R2
killer, destroyer
5 nihantr/I
killeress, destroyeress
6 nihany/ate
he is killed
7 nihanyus
they would kill
8 nIhAr/a
9 nihat/aA
destroyed, killed, dead
10 nihatya
killed and, attacked and
11 nihIn/aA
vile, mean, low
12 nihit/aA
it's stored (dhA)
13 nihnuvanti
they hide, dissimulate
14 nij/aA
one's own (belonging to the doer); a relative
15 nijaghAna
he killed
16 nikAr/a
humiliation, offence
17 nikaT/a
nearness, proximity
18 nikAy/a
group, heap
19 niket/a
a mark, sign
20 niketan/a
n house
22 nikhil/a
complete, all, whole, entire
23 nikRt/aA
undone, ruined
24 nikRt/i
deceit, foul play, evil action
25 nikRtt/a
cut, chopped off
26 nikRtya
undid and;
set down and, submitted and
27 nikSep/a
a deposit, something pawned, kept in trust
28 nikSipt/a
thrown away, thrown down
29 nikSipya
delivered and, put down and
30 nikuJcya
drew in and
32 nikumbh/a
33 nIl/aA
m pn (of a mountain, of a monkey)
34 nIlAJjan/a
collyrium (kohl, which is a sort of rimmel, blackest thing known to mankind)
35 nIlakaNTh/I
pn (of several Comms. composed by a nIlakaNáš­ha, Monier-Williams, Sir M.)
36 nilay/aA
38 nilIy/ate
he attaches down, perches on (lI 4)
39 nimagn/a
plunged, sunk down
40 nimajjat/I
42 nimantryantAm
let (them) be invited
43 nimeS/a
winking, twinkling, blinking, closing eyes
44 nimIlit/aA
closed (said of eyes, flowers)
45 nimIlya
closed and
46 nimiS/atR
closing eyes, blinking
47 nimitt/aA
caused by;
(n) omen
48 nimn/aA
49 nimnag/A
river, mountain-stream
51 ninAd/a
m sound, noise
52 ninad/a
noise, cries
53 ninAdit/aA
made to resound, filled with noise, resonant with (ni + nad + Nic)
54 nInazas
(do not) destroy, (do not) swerve (inj, nI + caG + luG sip)
55 nind/aA
censure, abuse, insulte, reproach, ridicule
56 nindak/a
blamer (nind + Nvul)
57 nindamAn/aA
that reproaches, abuses, insults
58 nind/atR
59 nindit/aA
blamed, defamed, censured, abused, insulted, reproached
61 nindyamAn/aA
that is being made fun of, blamed, insulted


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