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upabhoga ... upama

0 upabhog/a
3 upabRMhaN/aA
n the act of making strong, invigorating, promoting
4 upabRMhit/aA
enriched, expanded, strengthened, endowed, nourished, grown, increased
5 upacakrAma
he went
6 upacakrame
he approached
7 upacAr/a
practice, way of doing;
8 upacarit/aA
entertained, treated as a guest
10 upacAy/in
honouring, revering, respecting, showing due respect
11 upacit/a
(with gold) gilded
13 upAdAn/a
acceptance, taking for oneself
15 upAdAya
took and (upa + AG + dA + lyap)
16 upadekS/yati
he will teach
17 upAdey/aA
must be accepted, received, taken
18 upadez/a
instruction, teaching
19 upadh/A
forgery, fraud, deceit, trick, false pretence
20 upadhAn/a
21 upadhAray/ati
he knows;
he supports, sustains
22 upadhArya
carrying, keeping in memory
24 upadh/i
forgery, fraud, deceit, trick, false pretence
25 upAdhyAy/a
26 upAdhyayan/a
reciting (of vedic hymns)
27 upadiST/aA
(was) taught (upa + diz)
28 upAdiz/at
he taught
29 upadiz/ati
he teaches
30 upadraST/R
31 upAdrav/at
he charged towards
he approached running, charged towards
33 upag/aA
that is at (same as latter gata);
(latter) that has
34 upAgacch/at
he came near, came to see (upa + AG + gam)
35 upagacch/ati
goes near, approaches, goes to see
36 upAgAd
went near and (luG)
37 upAgamam
I went near, I approached (luG)
38 upAgam/at
he went near (upa + aT + gam + luG, inria fails)
39 upAgamya
came near and
40 upagamya
went near and
41 upAgat/aA
came near
42 upagat/aA
went near
43 upAgatya
came near and
44 upAGg/a
45 upaghAtak/a
hitter, destroyer (upa + han)
46 upAghrAya
smelled and
49 upahanyAd
he would hurt, strike
50 upahanyAm
I would hurt, I would kill
51 upahAr/a
an offering (to a god etc)
52 upAhar/at
he brought
53 upahas/ati
he mocks, ridicules
54 upahat/aA
hit, beaten, stricken;
hurt, injured, afflicted, pained, weakened;
killed (han)
55 upahit/aA
placed on, set on
56 upahRt/aA
brought near, put together
57 upahRtya
offered and
58 upahvare
in a private place
59 upAhvay/at
he called, summoned
60 upaihi
61 upaikS/ata
he overlooked (IkS)
62 upaimi
I approach
63 upaiS/yati
he will go near
64 upaiti
goes near;
65 upAjagAma
he came
66 upajagmatus
they went near
68 upajagmivAn
(he, I, you) went ( ? is this a vasu ? )
71 upajAy/ate
it appears, arises, is born, is added
72 upajAy/ati
it appears, arises, is born, is added (mc ?)
73 upajIv/ati
he lives on
74 upajIv/in
a dependant, subordinate;
that lives on (rice etc.)
75 upajIvit/R
living on
77 upajuhvati
they pour on
78 upakalp/ate
it serves as
79 upakalpit/aA
(was) prepared, arranged
80 upakAr/a
service, help, aid
81 upakaraN/a
help, assistance;
instrument, means, equipment, paraphernalia
82 upakAr/iN
one that returns favors
83 upakoz/A
pn (upavarSa's daughter, {vararuci}'s wife)
86 upAkuru
give! (upa + AG + kR + hi''')
87 upal/a
m rock, stone
88 upalabdh/aA
(was) gotten
89 upalabdhav/atu
he got
90 upalabhya
got and
91 upalabhy/ate
is available;
can be reached
92 upalakSay/ate
he sees, he notices
93 upalakSya
noticed and, checked and
94 upAlambh/a
reproach, censure
95 upalaps/yati
he will grasp
96 upalebhire
they got;
they got it (were blamed, censured, reviled)
97 upalipy/ate
is defiled, besmeared (especially with cow-dung) (lip is a muc-class root, see zemucAdInAm)
98 upam/aA
alike, that looks like;
f comparison, simile


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