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ayukta ... azrauSId

0 ayukt/a
improper, ill-suited
1 Ay/us
n life, duration of life, age, years
lifetime, age;
(pl) years of life, lifespan
2 AyuSm/atu
(long-lived one:) Your Honor
3 ayut/a
4 Az/aA
f hope (particularly foolish hope)
5 azak/at
was able
6 azaknod
he could, he was able to
7 azaknuv/atu
without being able to
8 azakt/aA
powerless, weak;
n inability
9 AzaMs/A
intention, wish
10 AzaMs/ate
he hopes, expects
11 AzaMs/atR
expecting, hoping
12 AzaMsit/aA
(was) hoped for
13 azan/a
eating, eater, -vore, -phage
15 azan/I
(uncommon for azani) flash of lightning
16 azan/i
f flash of lightning
17 azap/at
he cursed
18 azarIr/a
19 AzAsate
they wish, they hope for (root zAs, lukclass)
20 AzAste
he wishes (zAs)
21 azAtay/at
he made (them) fall
23 Azay/aA
m asylum, abode, retreat;
place, interior;
thought, meaning, intention, disposition of mind, mode of thinking, character
25 Azcary/a
marvel, wonder, surprise, amazement
26 azeS/a
complete (lit. remainderless)
27 azeSatas
completely (naJ + zeSa + tasil : with nothing left)
28 azeSay/at
(he made something be left over:) he spared
29 azeSeNa
30 azikS/ata
he learnt
31 Az/in
32 AzIrbhis
with blessings, hopes (Azis- + bhis, with rvorupadhA)
33 Azirbhis
with blessings
34 AzIs
f blessing, hope;
vain hope (Azis + su, with rvorupadhA)
35 Az/is
36 AziSam
hope (Azis + am)
38 azIti
39 azItyA
with eighty
40 aziv/a
unauspicious, ominous, foreboding, that gives bad luck
41 AzIviS/a
(a kind of) venomous snake
42 azizriy/at
took refuge in
43 AzliST/aA
that was embraced, hugged;
that embraced, hugged
44 azmakasumant/u
pn (of a RSi)
45 azm/an
stone, rock
47 aznAmi
I eat
48 aznAsi
you eat, you enjoy
49 aznAti
50 azn/atR
eating, consuming
51 aznute
enjoys, eats, experiences;
gets to, arrives, reaches
52 azobh/ata
he shone
53 azocy/a
that should not be grieved for
54 azok/a
pn (a kind of tree)
55 azr/a
(for azri when latter) corner, angle, edge
56 azraddadhad
he trusted, believed (zraddhA)
57 Azram/a
hermitage, refuge, camp;
stage of life
58 Azramapad/a
hermitage, refuge, camp
59 azrauSam
I heard ( luG )
60 azrauSId
he heard


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