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AcacakSe ... AdAsyati

0 AcacakSe
he told
1 Acakhyau
he told
2 Acakhyus
they told
3 Acakrame
he trode upon, rose up
5 AcakS/ata
he said (laG)
6 AcakSate
they say
7 AcakSva
8 acal/aA
unmoving, motionless, steady, inmovable;
m mountain
9 acalan/a
steadiness, immobility, firmness
10 acal/at
he moved, shook, waved
11 AcamanIy/a
n water for drinking
12 AcAr/aA
m (good) conduct;
custom, good manners
13 acar/aA
14 Acar/at
he did
15 acar/at
he moved
16 Acar/ate
17 Acar/ati
he performs behaves, does
18 acar/ati
he moves
19 Acar/atR
performing, behaving, doing
20 acAray/at
he made (them) move
21 Acarit/aA
custom, usage;
observed, exercised, practised, trodden;
conduct, behaviour
22 AcAry/a
23 AcAryak/a
n teacherhood, being a teacher
24 AcaSTa
he said
25 AcaSTe
he says (cakS)
26 AcchAdan/a
n clothing, attire
27 AcchAday/ati
he puts on (clothes);
he hides
28 Acchann/aA
29 acchid/at
he cut
30 acchidr/a
unbroken, uninjured, free from flaws
31 Acchidya
cut off and, sole and
33 acchin/at
he cut
34 Acchinn/aA
(was) cut off
35 aceST/ata
he did;
he moved, stirred
37 Acinod
he covered
38 aci/not
he piled up
39 acintay/at
41 acinty/a
inimaginable, unthinkable
42 acir/a
soon, quickly
43 Acit/aA
heaped on, heaped over with, covered with
45 acoday/at
he spurred, urged, incited, insisted
46 acodayiSy/at
he would have spurred, incited, urged (lRG)
47 acUcudam
I urged, incited
49 acyut/a
not fallen, sinless
51 ad/a
(latter) eater (as in kravyAda meat-eater, carrion-eater, sarcophage)
52 adAd
54 adadAd
gave (zluclass dA + laG)
55 AdadAmas
we take, let's steal
56 AdadAn/aA
taking out, producing (zAnac)
57 adad/at
gave (zapclass root dA + laG)
58 Adad/e
was taken
he took (vacanam Adade took her turn to speak, es. tomó la palabra)
60 adagdh/a
61 adah/at
he burnt
62 adAhay/at
he burnt
63 Adak/a
eater, -phage, -vore
64 adAn
eater (latter)
65 AdAn/a
accepting (gifts etc.)
66 adanti
they eat
68 Adar/a
69 Adar/aA
70 adAray/at
he broke
71 Adarz/a
72 adarzay/at
he showed
74 adas
that one n
75 AdaST/aA
nibbled, pecked at (root daMz)
76 AdAs/yate
he will receive
77 AdAs/yati
he'll take


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