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vikarmaN ... vimRdnatR

0 vikarm/aN
evil action
1 vikarN/a
pn (of a brother of duryodhana)
3 vikarSaN/a
dragging, drawing (esp. a bows' string)
4 vikarS/ati
draws apart or asunder, tears to pieces, destroys, pulls away
5 vikarS/atR
drawing apart or asunder, tearing to pieces, destroying, pulling away
6 vikart/ati
he cuts off
7 vikAry/a
that can be changed
8 vikaT/a
pn k (of a son of dhRtarASTra)
11 vikatth/ate
he boasts, mocks, blames
12 vikatth/ati
he boasts, mocks, blames
13 vikatthit/a
15 vikhyAt/aA
famous, known everywhere, renowned
16 vikIrN/aA
scattered all around, thrown, dispersed, covered with
17 viklav/a
frightened, confused, anxious, weak
18 vikoz/aA
19 vikram/a
might, prowess
21 vikram/iN
powerful, mighty
22 vikramiS/yati
he will put forth his prowess.
23 vikramya
put forth his courage and
24 vikrAnt/a
powerful, mighty
26 vikray/a
sale, selling
27 vikretum
to sell
28 vikrIt/aA
(was) sold
29 vikrItav/atu
(he) sold
30 vikriy/aA
that has changed form;
distorted, perverted
31 vikrozant/I
crying out
32 vikRST/aA
pulled, shot (with a bow)
33 vikRSya
tore to pieces and
35 vikRt/aA
disfigured, ugly, deformed ;
36 vikRt/i
f perturbation, agitation, emotion
37 vIkSamAN/aA
looking around, commanding a view of
38 vIkSA/mAsa
looked at, looked around (vi + IkS + Am'', by ijAdezca)
40 vikSat/a
wounded, hurt
41 vIkS/ate
he looks
42 vIkS/atR
looking all around (ArSam for vIkSamANa)
43 vikSep/a
act of throwing asunder or away or about
46 vikSipyamAN/aA
being extended
47 vIkSitum
to look at
48 vikSobhy/aA
(that) can or would tremble
49 vIkSy/a
looked around and
50 vikurute
changes form, transforms;
does evil
51 vikurvAN/aA
making appear
53 vikurvate
they change form, they transform;
they do evil
54 vilajjamAn/aA
timidly, modestly
55 vilakSaN/aA
different, weird ('away from definition')
56 vilalApa
bewailed, bemoaned
57 vilambit/aA
58 vilambitum
to delay, to tarry, to waste time
59 vilAp/a
lamentation, moaning, wailing
61 vilapamAn/aA
crying, bewailing, lamenting;
62 vilapant/I
crying, sobbing, lamenting
63 vilapat/I
lamenting, crying (ArSam for vilapantI)
64 vilap/atR
sobbing, lamenting
65 vilapit/aA
(was) lamented
66 vilapya
lamented and
67 vilAs/in
beloved of
68 vilay/a
dissolution, melting
69 vilepan/a
n unguent, anointing
71 vilokay/atR
72 vilokya
saw and
76 vimal/aA
spotless, clean, pure white;
77 vimamarza
78 vimAn/a
n flying chariot, flying palace, UFO;
79 viman/as
out of (his) mind, discomposed, perplexed, dejected, downcast, heart-broken
80 vimard/a
crushing, destruction, devastation, fight, utter mess
81 vimardan/a
crusher, destroyer
82 vimarday/atR
crushing, destroying
83 vimArg/a
the bad way, derailing;
going astray
84 vimarz/a
thought, deliberation
88 vimizrit/aA
89 vimohay/ati
he confuses, fascinates, infatuates
90 vimohit/aA
confused, bewildered
91 vimokS/a
liberation, letting go
92 vimokSaN/a
(the) casting away
93 vimokS/yate
he will be freed
94 vimokS/yati
he will free, let go
95 vimRdn/atR
crushing to pieces (vi + mRd + znA)


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