<<< ajasram
AkhyAna >>>
ajAtazatru ... AkhyAhi
- 0 ajAtazatr/u
- pn (of yudhiSThira)
- 1 ajay/at
- conquered, defeated
- 2 ajAy/ata
- was born, there was, became, appeared
- 4 aJcit/aA
- bent
- 6 Aj/i
- combat, battlefield, battle
- 7 ajihm/a
- straight
- 8 ajIjan/at
- begat
- 9 ajin/a
- fur, skin
- 10 ajin/in
- wearing a skin (of deer etc)
- 11 ajir/a
- arena, floor
- 12 ajIvitum
- to not live, not to live
- 13 ajIy/ata
- was defeated, was lost
- 14 AjJ/A
- a command, order
- 15 ajJ/a
- ignorant
- 16 aJjal/i
- pn (gesture of joining hands to show humility or respect);
pn (a measure of grain, sufficient to fill both hands when placed side by side)
- 17 aJjan/a
- paint, stain (cyan)
- 18 ajJAn/aA
- n ignorance;
m an ignorant
- 19 AjJApayA/mAsa
- he commanded
- 20 AjJApay/at
- he commanded
- 21 ajJApay/at
- he said
- 22 AjJApay/ati
- he commands
- 23 AjJApay/atR
- (that was) ruling, commanding
- 24 AjJApit/a
- was commanded, was said
- 27 ajJAt/a
- unknown
- 29 AjJAya
- noticed and
- 32 ajJey/a
- unknowable
- 33 AjuhAva
- he called, summoned, invited (AG + hve Ahvayati)
- 34 ajuhAva
- he called, invoked, invited, summoned (root , not hu)
- 36 Ajy/a
- n ghee
- 37 AkAGkS/ati
- he wants
- 38 AkAGkS/atR
- wanting
- 39 AkAGkS/iN
- that wants, that longs for
- 40 AkAGkSva
- wish for!, look for! (AG + kAGkS + sva''', see examples under skossa)
- 41 akAl/a
- unseasonable, done at a bad time;
a wrong time
- 42 akAlikam
- inmediately, without delay
- 43 akalpay/at
- he arranged, declared as, considered as (kLp)
- 44 akAm/a
- unwilling, reluctant
- 46 akAmay/at
- he wanted
- 47 Akampan/a
- pn
- 48 akamp/ata
- he trembled, shook
- 49 akampay/at
- he made (them) tremble
- 50 akampay/ata
- he made him tremble
- 51 akampy/aA
- unshakeable, unmovable
- 52 akAND/a
- sudden, unexpected
- 54 Akar/a
- one who scatters, distributes abundantly
- 55 akAr/a
- the letter 'a'
- 56 AkAr/aA
- form, figure, shape, appearance;
shape, state, condition
- 57 AkArav/atu
- beautiful, that has good shape
- 58 akAray/at
- had (it) made
- 60 AkarNay/ati
- he listens (or 'gives ears to', as in 'friends, romans, countrymen, lend me your ears')
- 62 akarod
- did, made
- 63 akaros
- you did
- 64 AkarS/a
- attraction, fascination ( MMW says -- or an object used for it MBh. v, 1541 )
- 66 akArSam
- I did (luG)
- 67 akarS/at
- he dragged
- 68 akArSId
- he did, made
- 69 akArSIs
- you did
- 70 akArSus
- they did
- 71 akasmAd
- (with no cause:) randomly, suddenly, by chance
- 72 akathay/at
- he told, he narrated
- 74 AkAz/a
- space,sky, air
- 76 akhel/at
- he played
- 77 akhil/aA
- whole, complete, entire, all ;
the universe
- 79 Akh/u
- a mouse;
a mole
- 80 Akhy/aA
- called, named
- 81 AkhyAhi
- tell!
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AkhyAna >>>