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citta ... dahana

0 citt/aA
thoughts, thinking, reason, mind
2 city/A
'piling up', building (an altar etc)
6 codak/a
incitation, invitation, request
7 codan/aA
inciter, stimulator, promoter
8 codayA/mAsa
he impelled quickly
he spurred, incited, urged
9 codayant/I
inciting, requesting, importuning
10 coday/atR
13 codit/aA
(was) urged, incited, impelled, made to move quickly
14 codyamAn/aA
being stirred, incited, impelled
18 cor/a
20 cUcup/a
21 cUD/A
summit, crest, diadem
22 cUDAmaN/i
24 cukrodha
he got angry
26 cukrudhus
they got angry
27 cukruzus
they cried out
28 cukSubh/e
29 cUrN/aA
30 cUrNIkRt/aA
(was) made into powder
32 cUt/a
33 cyavan/a
34 cyav/ate
he falls
35 cyav/ati
he falls
38 cyut/aA
39 cyut/i
(act of) falling
41 d/aA
(only latter) giver (eg. ambuda cloud)
42 dAbhis
(only latter) that give
43 dadAha
44 dadAmi
I give
45 dadaMzus
they bit
46 dadAni
I shall give
48 dadarza
he saw
49 dadAsi
you give
50 dadasva
give! (same as dehi, from another root)
51 dadAti
52 dad/atR2
(that is) giving
53 dadau
he gave
54 dadhAmi
I put
55 dadhAra
he held, bore
57 dadh/e
he put, he set
58 dadh/i
curds (see asthi;dadhi)
59 dadhIc/a
pn (of a sage, dadhyaGG AtharvaNaH)
60 dadhmatus
both blew
61 dadhmau
blew (musical instruments)
62 dadhm/e
he blew
63 dadhmus
they blew (musical instruments)
65 dadhus
they set (liT)
66 dadhvaMs/e
crumbled down, was pulverized
67 dadhyau
he thought
68 dadhyus
they reflected (dhyai)
69 dadmi
I give (maybe bad grammar for dadAmi)
70 dadRzAte
both saw
71 dadRzatus
both saw
72 dadRze
he saw
74 dadRzus
they saw
75 dadus
they gave
76 dadyAd
he would give
77 dadyAm
I would give
78 dagdh/aA
79 dagdhav/atu
he burnt
80 dagdhavy/aA
should be burnt
81 dagdhum
to burn
82 dagdhvA
burnt and
83 dAh/a
a burning
84 dahan/a
forest fire


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