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chatra ... citrIyate

1 chatr/a
umbrella (a white umbrella shows who's king, a crown doesn't)
2 chav/i
f skin
3 chAy/aA
f shade, shadow
4 ched/a
cutting off, scarcity
5 chedy/a
that can be cut
6 chets/yati
he will cut
7 chett/Asmi
I shall cut
9 chett/R
10 chettum
to cut
12 chid/a
(latter) piercer, splitter
13 chidyamAn/aA
being cut
15 chindanti
they cut
18 chinn/aA
cut off, cut through
21 chittvA
cut and
23 ciccheda
he cut
24 cicchide
he cut
25 cid
any-, some- (turns kas 'who' into kazcid 'someone')
27 cihn/a
n mark, sign, symbol, distinguishing mark;
symptom, traces (e.g. kSatacihna)
28 ciJcin/I
29 cikhAdiS/atR
being hungry (khad + san + zatR)
30 cikIrS/A
a wish to do (a')
32 cikIrSant/I
wanting to do
33 cikIrSat/I
wanting to do (ArSam for cikIrSantI)
34 cikIrS/ati
he wants to do, he is about to do
35 cikIrS/atR
wanting to do
36 cikIrSit/aA
what someone wants to do
37 cikIrS/u
(that) wants to do
38 cikitsak/a
healer, physician, doctor (see guptijkidbhyassan)
39 cikits/ati
heals (root kit or cit with san, see guptijkid)
40 cikrIDa
he played
41 cikrIDatus
both played
42 cikrIDus
they played
43 cikSepa
44 cikSipus
they threw
46 cIn/a
China, Chinese
47 cint/A
48 cintApar/aA
lost in worries, very worried, obsessed
50 cintayA/mAsa
he thought
51 cintayAn/aA
considering, thinking about (zAnac)
52 cintayant/I
53 cintay/ate
he thinks
55 cintay/ati
he thinks
56 cintay/atR
57 cintayitum
to think
58 cintayitvA
thought and
59 cintit/aA
(that) was thought of;
n thought, reflection, care, trouble, worry
60 cinty/a
thinkable, conceivable
61 cinty/aA
that can be thought, thinkable
62 cintyamAn/a
(what) is being thought about
63 cinty/ate
is thought
64 cinv/atR
picking up;
searching, investigating
65 cIr/a
n strip of cloth or bark, rag, tatter (esp. worn by ascetics)
66 cir/a
long (time)
67 cirAd
after a long time
68 ciram
for a long time
69 cirarAtr/a
a long time
71 cirasya
for a long time
72 cirAya
for a long time
73 cirAyamAN/aA
delaying, tarrying (yak')
74 cireNa
after a long time
76 ci/t
77 cit/A
78 cit/aA
heaped, piled, built up;
covered, inlaid, set with
79 citkAr/a
noise, cries (for citkAra)
80 citr/A
pn (of the fourteenth nakSatra, containing Spica)
81 citr/aA
diverse, variegated, many-colored; wonderful, miraculous, surprising; a picture
83 citrAGgad/A
pn (WP Chitrāngada, son of zaMtanu and satyavatI)
84 citrAGgad/a
pn (son of zaMtanu)
86 citrarath/a
pn (of a gandharva)
88 citrasen/a
92 citrAyudh/a
94 citrit/aA
(was) painted, made variegated, decorated
95 citrIy/ate
feels astonished, wonders


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