<<< caraNa
chatra >>>
carantI ... chardayatR
- 0 carant/I
- moving, behaving, that is moving about;
- 2 car/ati
- he moves, behaves, walks, moves about
- 3 car/atR
- moving, behaving, that is moving about;
- 4 caratv/a
- mobility (state of being able to move)
- 5 carayitavy/aA
- should be spied on
- 8 cAr/iN
- wanderer;
one that behaves, acts, proceeds, does, practises
- 10 cariS/yati
- he will walk
- 11 carit/a
- story, adventures;
action, deed, behaviour;
(act of) going;
it was performed;
he went
- 12 caritav/atu
- he went
- 13 cAritr/a
- behaviour, counduct, proceeding, manner of acting, good character, reputation
- 14 caritum
- to move, go, walk
- 16 carm/aN3
- n hide, skin, leather;
a shield
- 17 carm/iN
- soldier carrying a shield, infantry soldier
- 18 cAr/u
- beautiful, elegant, pretty;
- 19 car/u
- porridge with milk (may be an offering to the gods, or not)
- 20 cArucitr/a
- pn k (of a son of dhRtarASTra)
- 22 cArudeSN/a
- pn (of a son of kRSNa and rukmiNI)
- 24 cary/A
- action, going about, wandering, walking, roaming
- 25 cAS/a
- pn (a blue bird, WP Indian roller, Coracias benghalensis)
- 31 caTA
- the sound caTa
- 32 caTa
- the sound caTa
- 33 cAtak/a
- pn (sort of bird, maybe the WP Common iora, said to live on raindrops only)
- 34 caTak/aA
- sparrow
- 35 catasras
- f four
- 39 cAT/u
- pleasant discourse, flattery
- 40 catur/a
- quick, clever
- 41 caturas
- four
- 42 caturbhis
- four
- 43 caturdaza
- fourteen
- 44 caturdaz/aI
- fourteenth
- 46 caturNAm
- of four
- 47 caturth/aI
- the fourth;
n one fourth
- 48 cAturvaidy/a
- versed in the four Vedas
- 49 cAturvarNy/a
- n the four-caste system, the four castes
- 50 catus
- four
- 51 catuSpAd/a
- that has four parts;
that has four feet, tetrapod, quadruped
- 52 catuSpath/a
- mn a place where 4 roads meet, cross-way
- 53 catvar/a
- four-roads, crossroad, quadrivium
- 54 catvaram
- four
- 55 catvAras
- four
- 56 catvAri
- four
- 57 caukS/aA
- clean
- 58 caur/a
- thief
- 62 cay/a
- pile, mass, multitude
- 65 ced
- if
- 67 ced/i
- pn (of a country;
during the mbh war, its king was dhRSTaketu)
- 70 cekitAn/a
- pn
- 71 cel/aA
- n clothes, garment
- 72 ceratus
- both moved
- 73 cerus
- they moved
- 74 ceST/aA
- f gesture, behaviour;
activity, movement
- 75 ceSTamAn/aA
- moving, behaving, struggling
- 76 ceST/ate
- does, moves, behaves, struggles
- 78 ceSTit/a
- behaviour
- 80 cetan/aA
- f mind, thoughts, consciousness
- 81 cet/as
- mind, thoughts
- 82 cet/ati
- perceives, is aware of
- cet/ati
- to perceive, fix the mind upon, attend to, be attentive, observe, take notice of
- 83 ceT/I
- maid, female servant
- 85 ceTik/A
- maid, female servant
- 86 chad/aA
- tiled surface, roof, floor
- 87 chAdayA/mAsa
- covered, concealed
- 90 chAday/ati
- he conceals
- 91 chAday/atR
- hiding, covering, concealing, covering, masking
- 93 chAdayitvA
- covered and
- 94 chAdit/aA
- hidden, covered
- 95 chadm/an
- disguise
- 96 chAdya
- (lyap) covered and
- 97 chAdyamAn/aA
- being covered
- 98 chAg/a
- he-goat
- 99 chalan/a
- deception, cheating, outwitting;
- 100 chalay/atR
- outwitting, deceiving, cheating
- 101 chand/a
- pleasure, delight, appetite, liking, predilection, desire, will, free choice
- 102 chand/as
- metre, verse, stanza, song (esp. from the Vedas)
- 103 chandena
- at will, whenever (he) wants
- 104 chandog/a
- priest
- 105 chandyamAn/aA
- being gratified (esp. chandyamANo vareNa 'being awarded a boon')
- 106 chann/aA
- hidden, unknown to (fourth), secret, clandestine, disguised, undercover, covered
- 107 charday/atR
- vomiting
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