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caila ... caraNa

0 cail/a
piece of cloth
1 caitrak/i
2 caity/a
holy tree
3 caiva
and also, and (ca + eva)
4 caJcal/a
unsteady, unstable
5 caJc/atR
dangling, unsteady, shaking
6 caJc/u
8 cakampa
he trembled, shook (bad grammar for cakampe)
9 cakampe
he trembled
10 cakampire
they trembled
11 cakAra
12 cakarSa
he pulled, dragged
14 cakarSatus
both pulled, dragged
15 cakarta
he cut
17 cakAzire
they shone (liT of kAzate)
18 cakhAna
it digged, pierced (said of an arrow)
20 cakit/aA
alarmed, trembling, timid, frightened
21 cakr/a
disk, wheel, cycle;
discus (a weapon, like a frisbee with a razor edge, see WP Chakram)
25 cakrAma
he went, walked
27 cakramus
they went
28 cakratas
from the wheel
29 cakrAte
both did
30 cakratus
both did
31 cakravAk/a
pn (of a kind of bird)
32 cakravart/in
emperor (king of all the world)
33 cakre
he did, made
34 cakr/iN
that carries a cakra (weapon)
35 cakrire
they did
37 cakrus
they did
38 cakSam/e
he forgave, endured, allowed
39 cakS/us
n eye, sense of sight
40 cal/aA
unstable, trembling, changing, inconstant;
41 cal/ati
it moves, shakes, waves
42 cal/atR
moving, shaking, waving, unstable
43 cAlay/atR
making (it) tremble
45 cAlit/aA
is made to tremble
46 calit/aA
moving unsteadily
47 calitum
to move
48 cAmar/a
chowry (a flyflap or whisk made from the bushy tail of a camara 'yak')
49 camar/a
yak (Bos grunniens or Bos mutus);
yak-tail (the bushy tail of the Yak, employed as chowrie or long brush for whisking off insects, flies, etc.;one of the insignia of royalty; see cAm)
51 cAmIkar/a
53 camp/A
tp (of a town in aṅga-, the modern Bhagapur or a place in its vicinity, residence of karNa)
55 cam/U
army, division
56 cAmuND/A
pn (of durgA)
57 cana
any-, some- (turns kas 'who' into kazcana someone anyone)
58 caNak/a
59 cANaky/a
61 caND/a
angry, passionate, cruel, fierce, violent
62 caND/aA
fierce, violent, cruel, impetuous, hot, ardent with passion, passionate, angry
64 cANDAl/a
pn (of a very low tribe or caste)
65 caNDAl/a
pn (of a very low caste)
66 caNDamahAsen/a
67 candan/a
sandal (perfume, not footwear)
71 caNDik/A
pn (of durgA)
72 candr/a
the Moon
73 candradev/a
74 candragupt/a
75 candralekh/A
thin crescent moon
76 candram/as
the Moon
77 cAndramas/aI
lunar (related to the Moon, candramas)
78 candrasen/a
80 candrAvalok/a
81 candrik/A
86 cANUr/a
89 cAp/a
n bow
90 cApal/a
agitation, unsteadyness;
fickleness, rashness, insolence, chutzpah
91 cApi
too (two words, ca + api)
93 cAr/a
spy, secret policeman (same as cara )
94 car/aA
(one that moves around) a walker, a spy
95 carAcar/a
that contains all moving and unmoving things (epithet of the universe)
96 caramAN/aA
moving, walking, doing
98 cAraN/a
pn (see races)
99 caraN/aA
mn foot


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