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caila ... caraNa
- 0 cail/a
- piece of cloth
- 1 caitrak/i
- pn
- 2 caity/a
- holy tree
- 3 caiva
- and also, and (ca + eva)
- 4 caJcal/a
- unsteady, unstable
- 5 caJc/atR
- dangling, unsteady, shaking
- 6 caJc/u
- beak
- 8 cakampa
- he trembled, shook (bad grammar for cakampe)
- 9 cakampe
- he trembled
- 10 cakampire
- they trembled
- 11 cakAra
- did
- 12 cakarSa
- he pulled, dragged
- 14 cakarSatus
- both pulled, dragged
- 15 cakarta
- he cut
- 17 cakAzire
- they shone (liT of kAzate)
- 18 cakhAna
- it digged, pierced (said of an arrow)
- 20 cakit/aA
- alarmed, trembling, timid, frightened
- 21 cakr/a
- disk, wheel, cycle;
discus (a weapon, like a frisbee with a razor edge, see WP Chakram)
- 25 cakrAma
- he went, walked
- 27 cakramus
- they went
- 28 cakratas
- from the wheel
- 29 cakrAte
- both did
- 30 cakratus
- both did
- 31 cakravAk/a
- pn (of a kind of bird)
- 32 cakravart/in
- emperor (king of all the world)
- 33 cakre
- he did, made
- 34 cakr/iN
- that carries a cakra (weapon)
- 35 cakrire
- they did
- 37 cakrus
- they did
- 38 cakSam/e
- he forgave, endured, allowed
- 39 cakS/us
- n eye, sense of sight
- 40 cal/aA
- moving;
unstable, trembling, changing, inconstant;
- 41 cal/ati
- it moves, shakes, waves
- 42 cal/atR
- moving, shaking, waving, unstable
- 43 cAlay/atR
- making (it) tremble
- 45 cAlit/aA
- is made to tremble
- 46 calit/aA
- moving unsteadily
- 47 calitum
- to move
- 48 cAmar/a
- chowry (a flyflap or whisk made from the bushy tail of a camara 'yak')
- 49 camar/a
- yak (Bos grunniens or Bos mutus);
yak-tail (the bushy tail of the Yak, employed as chowrie or long brush for whisking off insects, flies, etc.;one of the insignia of royalty; see cAm)
- 51 cAmIkar/a
- gold
- 53 camp/A
- tp (of a town in aṅga-, the modern Bhagapur or a place in its vicinity, residence of karNa)
- 55 cam/U
- army, division
- 56 cAmuND/A
- pn (of durgA)
- 57 cana
- any-, some- (turns kas 'who' into kazcana someone anyone)
- 58 caNak/a
- chickpea
- 59 cANaky/a
- pn
- 61 caND/a
- angry, passionate, cruel, fierce, violent
- 62 caND/aA
- fierce, violent, cruel, impetuous, hot, ardent with passion, passionate, angry
- 64 cANDAl/a
- pn (of a very low tribe or caste)
- 65 caNDAl/a
- pn (of a very low caste)
- 66 caNDamahAsen/a
- pn
- 67 candan/a
- sandal (perfume, not footwear)
- 71 caNDik/A
- pn (of durgA)
- 72 candr/a
- the Moon
- 73 candradev/a
- pn
- 74 candragupt/a
- pn
- 75 candralekh/A
- thin crescent moon
- 76 candram/as
- the Moon
- 77 cAndramas/aI
- lunar (related to the Moon, candramas)
- 78 candrasen/a
- pn
- 80 candrAvalok/a
- pn
- 81 candrik/A
- moonlight;
- 86 cANUr/a
- pn
- 89 cAp/a
- n bow
- 90 cApal/a
- agitation, unsteadyness;
fickleness, rashness, insolence, chutzpah
- 91 cApi
- too (two words, ca + api)
- 93 cAr/a
- spy, secret policeman (same as cara )
- 94 car/aA
- (one that moves around) a walker, a spy
- 95 carAcar/a
- that contains all moving and unmoving things (epithet of the universe)
- 96 caramAN/aA
- moving, walking, doing
- 98 cAraN/a
- pn (see races)
- 99 caraN/aA
- mn foot
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