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kampita ... kAriNI

0 kampit/aA
was made to tremble
2 kampyamAn/aA
shaken, being made to tremble
3 kaMs/a
4 kAMsy/a
copper, brass
5 kAmuk/a
lover, paramour
6 kAmy/aA
done from desire of benefit or from interested motives;
f desire, want, wish
7 kAmyak/a
8 kAn
which ones?
9 kaN/a
drop, grain, atom
10 kANabhUt/i
pn (of a pizAca in the kathA)
11 kanak/a
12 kanakhal/a
pn (of a tIrtha)
13 kAnan/a
14 kAnan/aA
n forest
15 kaNap/a
pn (some sort of weapon)
16 kandar/a
(n) cave
17 kandar/aA
n f cave
18 kandarp/a
love, god of love
19 kAndigbhUt/aA
disoriented (from kAm dig 'which direction?')
20 kand/u
(for kanduka) ball (toy)
21 kAni
which ones?
24 kaniSTh/aA
25 kanI/yasu
the younger ones
26 kAnt/aA
beloved, dear, darling
27 kaNTak/a
28 kaNTakit/aA
full of thorns
29 kAntAr/a
deep forest (the deep, jungley sort, with tigers and all, not just any wood)
30 kaNTh/aI
m neck, throat
31 kaNThatr/a
gorget (piece of armor or mail protecting the throat)
32 kAnt/i
f beauty (esp. of the moon);
desire, wish
33 kaNv/a
34 kany/A
girl, daughter
35 kanyak/A
girl, daughter
36 kapAl/a
38 kApAl/in
pn (of ziva, so named because he carries a kapAla)
39 kapard/in
that wears braided and knotted hair
40 kapardin/I
that has braids
41 kap/i
42 kapidhvaj/a
pn (of arjuna)
43 kapil/a
pn (of a saint);
brown, tawny, reddish
45 kapitv/a
monkeyness, monkeyhood
47 kApuruS/a
contemptible man, coward, wretch(same as kupuruSa, see vibhASA puruSe)
49 kAr/a
(latter) maker, doer
50 kar/aI
hand, trunk of elephant;
tribute, tax;
(latter) making, maker of
51 kArak/a
maker, that does, that makes, that causes (Nvul)
52 karak/a
jug, water vessel
53 karAl/a
having a gaping mouth and projecting teeth;
= pn (of a demon)
54 kAraN/a
reason, motive, cause;
a means
55 karaN/aI
n (as latter) doing, making, causing ;
means, instrument;
an organ;
reason, motive, cause;
a virtue
56 karaND/a
57 kAraskar/a
58 karaT/aA
an elephant's temple
59 karavAl/a
sword, scymitar
60 karavAma
let's do
61 karavANi
I shall do (mostly in kiM karavANi te, 'I'll do whatever you ask for')
62 kArayA/mAsa
he caused (them) to do, he got it done, caused it, made others do it
63 kAray/ate
he makes (them) do, he tells (them) to do (kR + Nic)
64 kAray/ati
he makes (them) do, he tells (them) to do
65 kAray/atR
(that is) making (others) do
66 kArayiS/yati
he will make (them) do, he will do
68 kArayitum
to make (them) do
69 karbur/aA
variegated , of a spotted or variegated colour
70 kardam/aA
m mud
71 kAreNa
by the working
72 kareN/u
mf elephant
73 karhi
74 karhicid
at any time
75 kAr/iN
doer, maker;
that has hands
76 kar/iN
(that has hand:) elephant
77 kAriN/I
that has hands, doer, maker


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