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paridahyate ... pArSatI
- 1 paridahy/ate
- burns all over
- 2 paridev/a
- m lamentation
- 3 paridevan/A
- (cause for) sorrow, grief, concern, worry
- 6 paridevay/ate
- bewails, laments, cries, bemoans, weeps (div)
- 7 paridevit/a
- wailing, lamentation
- 8 paridhatsva
- surround!, cover! (dhA + sva''', with znAbhyasta)
- 9 paridhAv/atR
- running around
- 10 paridhAya
- wore and, put on and, wearing
- 12 paridhvaMs/a
- m distress, misfortune (root dhvaMs 'crumble into dust')
- 15 paridRST/aA
- observed, seen
- 16 paridyUn/aA
- sorrowful, sad, made miserable by (third or former)
- 17 parigarhit/aA
- blamed, censured, abused
- 19 parigAy/ati
- he sings
- 20 parigh/a
- iron mace
- 21 parighav/atu
- that has an iron mace
- 22 parigrah/a
- possessions, acquiring;
acceptance of gift;
activity, undertaking
- 25 parigRhya
- took (with them etc) and
- 27 pArihAry/a
- bracelet
- 28 parihAry/a
- can be avoided
- 29 parihAs/a
- laughing
- 30 parihATak/aA
- made of pure gold
- 31 parihIn/aA
- deprived of
- 32 parihRtya
- avoiding, going around
- 33 parijan/a
- (people around:) relatives and friends
- 34 pArijAt/a
- pn (of a type of celestial tree)
- 37 parijJAt/aA
- thoroughly known, famous;
- 38 parijJAt/R
- one that knows or perceives, an observer, knower
- 39 parijJAtum
- to find out, to check, to investigate;
to recognise
- 40 parikAlya
- chased and (kal + Nic + lyap)
- 41 parikh/A
- moat, ditch, trench
- 46 parikIrtit/aA
- called, mentioned;
it is said to be
- 47 pariklez/a
- suffering
- 48 pariklinn/aA
- (was) soaked
- 49 parikliST/aA
- troubled, pained, vexed
- 50 parikliSTam
- with uneasiness or reluctance, unwillingly
- 51 parikramya
- walks around and
- 53 parikruST/aA
- yelled at (kruz)
- 54 parIkS/A
- inspection
- 55 parIkSamAN/aA
- (that is) looking around
- 59 parIkS/ati
- he investigates, figures out
- 60 parikSay/a
- depletion (act of running out of)
- 61 parikSIN/a
- destroyed, wasted away (MMW kSi 4)
- 62 parikSipt/aA
- surrounded, scattered with
- 63 parikSipya
- encircled and
- 64 parikSi/t
- pn
- 68 parIkSya
- examined carefully and
- 69 parimagn/aA
- sunk
- 70 parImAN/a
- measure
- 72 parimaNDal/a
- round
- 73 parimArgitavy/aA
- it should be searched for
- 74 parimit/aA
- limited
- 75 parimuhy/ati
- he is perplexed, bewildered;
he goes astray
- 76 pariNAme
- at the end
- 77 pariNat/aA
- bent down
- 78 parinirviNN/aA
- extremely disgusted with (locative case)
- 79 pariniSTh/A
- full knowledge
- 81 pariNIy/ate
- he is being carried around
- 82 paripAlan/a
- protection
- 83 paripAlay/atR
- that protect, that defend
- 84 paripAlit/aA
- protected, commanded
- 85 paripAly/aA
- it should be protected
- 86 paripanth/in
- (that makes you swerve from the path) interferer, obstructer, highway bandit, derailer
- 87 paripapraccha
- he asked
- 88 pAripArzvak/a
- attendant
- 90 paripat/ati
- he flies in circles
- 92 pariplut/aA
- flooded;
overwhelmed by, immersed in, full of
- 94 pariprazn/a
- asking around
- 95 paripRcch/ati
- he asks, he asks around, he asks about
- 96 parIps/A
- getting back;
wish to get
- 97 parIps/ate
- he wishes to obtain or reach, desires (pari + Ap + san)
- 98 parIps/ati
- he gets (them) back, he protects (Ap + san)
- 99 parIps/atR
- wishing to preserve
- 100 paripUrN/aA
- complete, full
- 102 parirakS/ati
- he protects
- 103 parirakS/atR
- protecting, fulfilling (a vow)
- 105 parirakSit/aA
- protected
- 107 parirakSya
- protected and, commanded and
- 108 pariSa/d
- assembly
- 109 pAriSad/a
- councillor
- 110 parisamApy/ate
- is fully completed
- 112 parisAntvay/atR
- comforting, soothing, consoling, wooing
- 113 pariSasvaje
- clasped, embraced
- 114 pariSicya
- wettened and
- 116 pariSkAr/aA
- m furniture, tools, equipment, paraphernalia
- 117 pariSkRt/aA
- surrounded by;
decorated with
- 118 pariSoDaz/a
- full sixteen
- 120 parisrav/atR
- that was overflowing
- 121 parisru/t
- f any fermented alcoholic drink, beer, wine
- 122 paristar/a
- a cover
- 123 paristIrN/aA
- scattered all over
- 125 paristom/a
- m. a coverlet, cushion (esp. a painted or variegated cloth for a cover on elephant's back)
- 126 pariSvaGg/a
- an embrace, hug
- 127 pariSvaj/ati
- he hugs
- 128 pariSvajya
- hugged and (pr is pariSvajate, S from upasargAtsu)
- 130 pArit/aA
- (has) fullfilled, satisfied (root pq)
- 131 parIt/aA
- he has gone too far;
(was) filled;
dominated, overwhelmed
- 132 paritAp/a
- regret
- 133 paritas
- all around
- 134 paritrAN/a
- n protection
- 136 paritrAtum
- to protect
- 137 parityAg/a
- throwing away, discarding, abandoning
- 138 parityAg/in
- thrower away, discarder, abandoner
- 139 parityaj/ate
- he throws away, abandons
- 140 parityaj/ati
- he throws away, abandons
- 141 parityajya
- abandoned and
- 142 parityakS/yati
- he will throw away
- 143 parityakt/aA
- (was) rejected, abandoned, got rid of
- 145 parivAd/aA
- m blame, censure, reproach, charge, accusation
- 146 parIvAr/a
- covered;
followers, dependants, retinue
- 147 parivAr/a
- m family
- 148 parivAraN/a
- a wrapping
- 149 parivArit/aA
- surrounded
- 150 parivart/ate
- turns around, is turned upside down
- 151 parivartay/ate
- makes (them) go around
- 153 parivartya
- went around and, changed and
- 154 parivArya
- surrounded and
- 156 parivatsar/a
- full year
- 157 parivavrus
- they surrounded
- 158 pariveS/a
- a circle , circumference , the disc of the sun and moon or a halo round them
- 160 parivikSat/aA
- wounded all over
- 161 parivRt/aA
- surrounded
- 162 parivRtt/aA
- turned round
- 163 parivRtya
- went around and
- 165 pariyayus
- they went around
- 167 parizaGkitum
- to suspect
- 168 parizram/a
- m labour, fatigue, trouble, effort, toil
- 169 parizrAnt/aA
- tired all over
- 171 parizrut/a
- was heard
- 172 parizuddhya
- after cleaning oneself of, after showing one's innocence
- 173 parizuSy/ati
- dries up
- 174 parizuSy/atR
- being dry
- 175 parjany/a
- rain
- 176 parN/a
- n wing, feather;
- 177 parNAd/a
- pn
- parNAd/a
- pn (of a brahmin)
- 179 parokS/a
- hearsay (whatever I haven't seen myself)
- 180 parokSat/A
- hearsayness (lack of direct evidence)
- 181 pArSad/a
- an associate , companion , attendant (esp. of a god)
- 182 pArSat/a
- pn (of drupada, or any other descendant or pRSata)
- 183 pArSat/I
- pn (of any female descendant of pRSata, such as draupadI)
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