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teSu ... trayIdharma

0 teSu
in them, in those
1 tigm/a
sharp, pointed;
pungent, acrid, hot, scorching
3 tIkSN/a
sharp, strong, intense
5 til/a
sesame seed (the sesame plant is tilaka)
6 tilak/a
pn (dot painted on forehead);
7 tilazas
to smithereens
8 tilottam/A
pn (of an apsaras)
9 tim/i
fish ;
10 timiGgil/a
pn (a fish large enough to swallow a timi)
12 timir/aA
dark, gloomy;
n darkness (also pl)
13 tIr/a
shore, bank
14 tirobhUt/aA
15 tirodadhe
he disappeared
16 tIrth/aA
n holy bathing place;
m very good teacher, sage;
(rarely) spy
17 tIrthatas
from a very good teacher
18 tiryag
across, crosswise, obliquely, transversely, horizontally, sideways
19 tiryagyon/i
f an animal's womb; rebirth as an animal
23 tisras
f three
24 tiSThanta
they stayed (for atiSThanta)
26 tiSTh/ate
there is (same as tiSThati)
27 tiSTh/ati
he stays, remains, waits, stops, stands, is at
29 tiSTh/atR
staying, remaining, waiting, being at
31 tith/i
pn (lunar day, see WP Tithi)
32 titikS/A
patience, endurance (Sabr) (san from gup;tij;kid)
33 titikSamAN/aA
34 titikS/ate
he endures (see gup;tij)
35 titikSitum
to endure
36 titikSmahe
we endure patiently (gup;tij;kidbhyaH san)
37 titIrS/ati
he wants to cross
39 TiTTibh/a
pn (a sort of bird)
40 tittir/a
pn (a breed of horse)
41 tittir/i

42 tIvr/aA
intense, violent, hard, acute, sharp
44 tomar/a
lance, javelin
45 toraN/a
gate, portal, archway, arched doorway, gateway
46 toS/a
contentedness, satisfaction, being pleased with
47 toSaN/a
gratification, whorship
48 toSayA/mAsa
he satisfied
49 toSayiSy/atR
wanting to satisfy, about to satisfy
51 toSit/aA
pleased, satisfied
52 toSTum
to be pleased or satisfied with
53 tottr/a
n (tud + tran) a goad for driving cattle or an elephant
54 toy/aA
n water
55 toyad/a
cloud (water-giver)
56 trAhi
protect!, save!, help!
57 traigart/a
pn (of the king of the trigartas)
58 traiguNy/a
the material world, the universe
59 trailoky/a
the universe
60 traividy/a
one that knows the three vedas
61 traiyambak/a
related to ziva
62 trAN/a
64 trAs/a
terror, fear, panic
65 tras/a
moving, mobile;
something that moves (a living being, opp. of sthAvara)
67 tras/ati
he trembles, fears
68 trAsayAn/aA
intimidating (bad grammar for trAsayamAna)
69 trAsay/ati
70 trAsay/atR
71 trAsayiS/yati
he will intimidate
72 trasiS/yati
he will fear
73 trAsit/aA
frightened, afraid
74 trast/aA
afraid,trembling, quivering, frightened
75 trAs/yate
he will protect (root is trA or trai)
76 trAs/yati
he will protect
77 trAt/R
78 trAt/um
to protect
79 tray/a
n triad, group of three
80 trayANAm
of three
81 trayas
82 trAy/ate
83 trayI
the Vedas
84 trayIdharm/a
Vedic rites


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