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jJAtum ... kajjala

0 jJAtum
to know
1 jJAtvA
knew and
2 jJAyamAn/aA
being known, recognised
3 jJAy/ate
is found out, is ascertained, is known, is considered as
4 jJey/a
has to be known
6 joSay/ati
he makes (them) like
7 jugopa
8 jugupsit/aA
disgusting, revolting
9 jugupus
they protected
10 juhoSi
you sacrifice
11 juhoti
he sacrifices
13 juhvati
they pour
15 juST/aA
proper for;
frequented by, full of
16 jvAl/A
17 jvAl/aA
m flame (only with no preverb, otherwise jvala)
19 jvalan/aA
m fire
20 jvalant/I
21 jval/ati
it burns, it shines
22 jval/atR
blazing, shining, ablaze
23 jvalit/aA
shining, blazing, ablaze, on fire
25 jvar/aA
f fever
26 jvar/ati
has a fever
27 jy/aA
f bowstring
32 jyAyas/I
best, better
33 jyA/yasu
better, bigger, stronger
34 jyeSTh/aA
f pn (the 18th nakSatra)
35 jyot/is
the lights in the sky (stars, sun, moon, constellations)
36 k/aA
(aff) meaningless affix kap
who?, which one? (see kim-)
37 kabandh/a
a barrel;
pn (a sort of demon);
(epics) cloud (the clouds which obscure the sun at sunset and sunrise);
a headless trunk
pn (of a demon rAma killed)
38 kac/a
39 kacAkaci
hair to hair (formed by tatratene)
40 kacchap/A
turtle (latter for kacchapa, in a longhorn)
41 kacchap/aI
42 kaccid
maybe (in questions);
a bit
43 kAcid
f some, a certain
44 kadA
45 kadAcana
ever, somewhen (same as kadAcid and kadApi);
46 kadAcid
once, somewhen;
47 kadal/I
banana tree
48 kadan/a
destruction, killing, slaughter, massacre
50 kadarthIkRtya
made useless and
51 kadary/a
52 kAdravey/aA
snake, naga (descendant of kadrU)
53 kadr/U
pn (of vinatA, the mother of garuDa)
54 kaGk/a
a heron
pn (of yudhiSThira)
58 kaGkaT/a
armour, mail
59 kAGkS/A
desire, wishing
60 kAGkSamAN/aA
wanting, desiring
61 kAGkSant/I
wanting, desiring
62 kAGkS/ate
he wants, wishes for, looks for, tries to
63 kAGkS/ati
he wants, wishes for, looks for, tries to
64 kAGkS/atR
wanting, desiring
65 kAGkS/iN
that wants, eager for
66 kAGkSiN/I
that wants, eager for
67 kAGkSiS/yate
he will hope, wait, want
68 kAGkSit/aA
desired, wanted
69 kahv/a
heron (maybe WP Intermediate egret)
70 kaikay/I
pn (metronymic of kYkeyI)
71 kaikey/a
pn (of dhRSTaketu, king of the kaikeyas and father of the five kaikeyas)
72 kaikey/I
pn ('daughter of kekaya', name of sudeSNA, and of a wife of dazaratha and mother of bharata)
73 kailAs/a
pn (of a mountain)
74 kairAt/a
pn (related or belonging to the kirAta or mountain people)
75 kais
by who?, with who? (plural)
76 kaiTabh/a
pn (of a demon)
77 kaitav/a
pn (metronymic for kaitavya)
78 kaitavy/a
son of a kitava (bad nickname of ulUka son of zakuni)
79 kaizorakAd
because of youngness
80 kaJcana
someone (same as kaMcid kamapi)
81 kAJcan/aI
n gold
82 kAJcanapAt/a
pn (of an elephant)
84 kAJcanavarm/aN3
pn (of king hiraNyavarman)
85 kAJcid
f some, any
86 kaJcid
m some, any
87 kAJcy/a
pn pl (odf a people)
88 kajjal/a


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