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muhUrta >>>
mitravarmaN3 ... mudrA
- 3 mitravarm/aN3
- pn
- 4 mizr/a
- mixed, mixture
- 5 mizrit/aA
- mixed
- 6 mlAy/ate
- fades, withers, decays, vanishes
- 8 mlecch/a
- barbarian
- 10 mocay/ati
- he liberates, frees
- 11 mocayitvA
- let go and
- 12 modak/a
- sweetmeat
- 13 modamAn/aA
- (that is) delighted, happy
- 14 modan/a
- gladdening, delighting, gratifying (mostly latter)
- 15 mod/ate
- he is glad
- 16 mod/ati
- he is glad
- 18 modiS/yate
- he will have fun
- 19 mogh/aA
- useless, vain
- 20 mogham
- uselessly, in vain
- 21 moh/aA
- m foolishness, bewilderment, perplexity, confusion, distraction
- 22 mohakalil/a
- thicket or snare of confusion
- 23 mohan/a
- that confuses, bewilders, deludes
- 24 mohayA/mAsa
- he confounded(them), made (them) unconscious
- 25 mohay/ati
- he confounds (them)
- 26 mohay/atR
- confusing
- 27 mohayiS/yati
- will deceive, will confuse
- 28 mohayitvA
- confounded and
- 29 moh/in
- deceiving, deluding, confusing
- 30 mohit/aA
- deluded;
made sleepy
- 32 mokS/a
- letting go, liberation, freeing from
- 33 mokSAya
- results in liberation
- 34 mokSayA/mAsa
- he set (them) free
- 35 mokSayiS/yati
- he will free (them)
- 37 mokSit/aA
- (was) untied, liberated, let go, released
- 38 mokS/yate
- he will be freed
- 39 mokS/yati
- you will be freed (bad grammar for mokSyate)
- 40 moktavy/a
- should be freed, should be hurled
- 41 mokt/um
- to let go, to free
- 42 momuhyamAn/aA
- that was very stupefied (muh + yaG + zAnac)
- 43 mor/I
- pn
- 44 mRdaGg/a
- kettle-drum, tabor
- 45 mRdh/a
- battle
- 46 mRdit/aA
- (was) crushed
- 48 mRdn/atR
- crushing, smashing
- 49 mRd/u
- soft, gentle
- 51 mRdupUrv/a
- ('beginning softly') gentle, tender (as a speech)
- 53 mRdyamAn/aA
- being crushed, rubbed
- 54 mRg/A
- search
- 55 mRg/a
- deer;
animal, beast, any quadruped
- 56 mRgalakSm/aN3
- the Moon
- 59 mRgatRSN/A
- mirage
- 60 mRgay/A
- hunting
- 61 mRgayAN/aA
- searching
- 62 mRgay/ate
- he searches
- 63 mRgay/ati
- he seeks, searches
- 64 mRg/I
- f deer
- 65 mriy/ate
- he dies
- 66 mriy/ati
- he dies (mc for mriyate)
- 68 mRNAl/aI
- lotus stalk (fibrous root of lotus);
- 69 mRSA
- falsely, deceivingly;
uselessly, to no avail
- 70 mRST/a
- tasty;
sprinkled with
- 71 mRSyamAN/aA
- being able to stand
- 72 mRSy/ate
- he puts up with, endures, forgives
- 73 mRSy/ati
- puts up with (zyanclass)
- 74 mRSy/atR
- forgiving
- 76 mRt/aA
- dead
- 77 mRty/u
- death;
god of death (yama)
- 80 mu/c
- that lets go
- 81 mucukund/a
- pn (of a sage)
- 82 mucya
- (lyap) got rid of and
- 83 mucy/ate
- is liberated, is loosened, is released, is let go
- 85 mu/d
- f joy, delight, gladness, happiness (also plural)
- 86 mudgar/a
- hammer, mace
- 87 mudhA
- in vain, uselessly, to no purpose
- 88 mUDh/aA
- idiot;
confused, driven off-course
- 89 mUDhagrAh/a
- infatuation
- 92 mudit/a
- glad, joyful
- 93 mudr/A
- seal, impression;
holy finger gesture
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