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muhUrta ... nAda

0 muhUrt/a
a while;
an hour (1 / 30th of a nychthemeron)
1 muhUrtakam
for a while
2 muhus
all the time, nonstop;
(twice) again and again
3 muhyamAn/aA
4 muhy/ate
is perplexed, mistaken, confused, stunned, stupefied;
he faints
5 muhy/ati
is perplexed, mistaken, confused, stunned, stupefied;
he faints
6 muhy/atR
being confused, bewildered, perplexed, confused, mistaken, unaware
7 muJc/ate
he lets (them) go, liberates, releases, shoots
8 muJc/ati
he lets (them) go, liberates, releases, shoots
9 muJc/atR
that lets (them) go, liberates, releases
10 muJj/a
pn (a kind of grass, Saccharum Munja, WP Tripidium bengalense)
13 mukh/a
n face, head, mouth;
facing (latter);
led by (with X at their head)
15 mukh/I
face, head, mouth (cyan of mukha)
16 mukhy/a
top-notch, principal, main, chief, that is in front
18 mukt/A
19 mukt/aA
freed, liberated, let go;
loosened, slackened, opened, open;
liberated, delivered, emancipated (especially from worldly existence)
20 muktAmaN/i
21 muktAphalaket/u
22 muktav/atu
he set free, he liberated
23 mukt/i
f setting or becoming free, release, liberation, deliverance from, being let go;
loosening, untying
24 muktvA
let go and
25 mukuT/a
mn tiara, diadem, crown (shaped like a crescent)
26 mUl/a
n root;
root vegetable
27 mUly/a
capital, stock;
n capital
28 mumoca
he dropped, let go, shot
29 mumoha
30 mumucus
they dropped, let go, shot
31 mumude
was merry or glad or happy, rejoiced, delighted in (instr. or loc.)
32 mumukS/u
that wants to be freed
33 mumUrS/atR
he is risking his life;
he is about to die
34 mumUrS/u
that wants to die, is about to die
35 muND/aA
shaved, bald, having the head shaved or the hair shorn
36 mun/i
sage, saint
38 muraj/a
drum, tambourine, tabor
39 mUrcchit/a
excited, stirred up;
fainted, stupefied, insensible
40 mUrch/A
fainting, a swoon, stupor
42 mUrchit/aA
excited, stirred up;
fainted, stupefied, insensible
44 mUrdhaj/a
a hair (of the head)
45 mUrdh/an
front, top, foremost
46 mUrdhany/aA
principal, main, head, chief
49 mUrkh/a
fool, idiot
50 mUrt/aA
incarnate, embodied
51 mUrt/i
embodiment, incarnation;
form (material form, with shape and limits)
52 mUrtim/atu
53 mur/u
54 mUSak/aA
a rat, mouse
55 musal/a
a club, mace
56 mUSik/aA
a rat, mouse
57 muSit/a
robbed, mugged
59 muST/i
fist, fistful
60 mUtr/a
61 mUtray/ate
he pees
63 na
no, not, doesn't, don't, nope
64 nAbh/aA
(only latter, for nabhi) navel
65 nabh/as
67 nAbh/i
f navel
72 nacirAd
73 nacireNa
74 nAd/a
noise, roar, shout


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