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prahAra >>>
prabhRti ... prAha
- 1 prabhRt/i
- start, beginning;
(latter) etcetera
- 2 prabh/u
- lord, master
- 3 prabhUt/aA
- abundant, much, many
- 7 prabodhay/ati
- he wakes (them) up
- 8 prabodhit/aA
- awakened
- 9 prabodhya
- woke up and
- 10 prabravImi
- I say
- 11 prabravItu
- he should say
- 12 prabrUhi
- say!
- 14 prabrUyAs
- you would tell
- 15 prabuddh/aA
- (was) awoken, woke up, came around, woken up
- 16 pracakrame
- he started, he did
- 17 pracakrus
- they atarted, they did
- 18 pracakS/ate
- is called (root cakS caSTe)
- 19 pracakSva
- say! (from root cakS, with skossa)
- 20 pracal/aA
- moving, tremulous, shaking
- 21 pracalit/aA
- set in motion, constantly agitated, moving all the time, trembling
- 22 pracaNDam
- passionately, hotly
- 23 pracAr/a
- appearance, appearing
- 24 pracar/ati
- he practices
- 27 prAcchAday/at
- he covered
- 29 pracchann/aA
- covered, hidden, disguised;
secret, private
- 30 prAc/I
- eastern;
the eastern sky (prAcI dik)
- 31 pracinty/ate
- it is being thought over, it is being decided
- 32 pracinuhi
- mow it down!, collect them!
- 33 pracodan/a
- n instigating, exciting, saying, sending
- 35 pracodit/aA
- urged, incited
- 36 prAcy/a
- eastern
- 38 pracyut/aA
- (has) fallen, been made to fall
- 39 prad/aA
- giver, bestower
- 40 prAdAd
- he gave (luG)
- 41 pradadAti
- he gives
- 42 pradadau
- he gave
- 43 pradadhmatus
- both blew
- 44 pradadhmau
- he blew, played
- 45 pradadhyau
- he thought (root dhyai)
- 46 pradadyAd
- he would give
- 47 pradagdh/aA
- (was) burnt
- 48 pradah/atR
- burning
- 49 pradakSiN/a
- clockwise circumambulation (walking clockwise around someone to show respect)
- 52 pradAn/a
- giving out
- 53 pradarzan/a
- appearance, looks
- 54 pradarzay/ati
- he shows, displays
- 57 pradAs/yati
- he will give
- 58 pradAtum
- to give
- 59 pradAya
- repaid and
- 60 pradey/aA
- to be given, to be rewarded
- 61 prAdez/a
- span (between thumb and forefinger, spanish jeme)
- 62 pradez/a
- a place
- 63 pradhakS/yati
- he will burn down, will consume
- 64 prAdham/at
- he blew (trumpet etc.)
- 65 pradhAn/aA
- main part, most important part, chief
- 67 prAdhAny/aA
- main, principal
- 68 prAdhAnyatas
- mainly, summarily
- 71 pradharSay/atR
- attacking
- 72 pradhAvant/I
- running
- 73 pradhAv/ati
- he runs, flees;
he charges at
- 74 pradhAv/atR
- running
- 75 pradhAvya
- started to run and
- 76 pradh/i
- rim, the felly of a wheel
- 77 pradhmAya
- blew and
- 78 pradhRSya
- dominability
- 79 pradhRSy/aA
- (that) can be attacked
- 81 pradhyAyamAn/aA
- reflecting, considering
- 82 prAdhyAy/ata
- he reflected, considered (pra + dhyai)
- 83 pradigdh/a
- smeared
- 85 pradIp/a
- lamp, light
- 86 pradIpt/aA
- on fire, ablaze, shining
- 87 pradiST/aA
- pointed out, prescribed;
foreordained, predestined
- 88 pradIy/ate
- it is being given
- 89 pradiz/a
- intermediate quarter (southeast etc.)
- 90 prAdiz/at
- he commanded
- 91 pradiz/ati
- he indicates, points at
- 92 pradoSe
- in the evening
- 93 prAdrav/at
- ran away, fleed
- 94 prAdrav/ata
- he set to run, he fleed
- 95 prAdrav/atR
- fleeing, running away;
making (them) flee ( ? )
- 97 pradrut/a
- ran
- 98 pradrut/aA
- stampeding, that had started to run
- 99 pradRzy/ate
- it is being seen
- 100 pradudrAva
- he fled
- 101 prAdurabhUd
- it appeared, it seemed
- 102 prAdurAsan
- they appeared, came into view
- 103 prAdurAsId
- it appeared, came into view
- 105 prAdurAstAm
- both appeared
- 106 prAdurbabhUva
- appeared, made himself visible
- 107 prAdus
- in sight, visibly, appearing
- 109 praduSy/ati
- he gets corrupted
- 110 prAduzcakre
- he made (it) appear
- 111 pradveS/a
- dislike , repugnance , aversion , hatred , hostility to (loc. gen. or comp.)
- 112 pradviS/atR
- disliking, hating
- 113 pradyumn/a
- pn (of a son of kRSNa and rukmiNI)
- 114 prAG
- Eastern
- 115 prAg
- earlier;
long ago;
before (with fifth)
- 117 pragalbh/aA
- bold, confident, resolute, brave, strong, able;
proud, arrogant, impudent
- 118 pragarjan/a
- n roaring, roar (see siMh(a))
- 119 prAgAyat/aA
- extending (e.g. eastward)
- 120 prAgjyotiS/a
- pn
- 122 pragrah/aA
- rein, rope, grabber
- 123 pragrah/iN
- guiding the reins
- 124 pragRhIt/aA
- taken
- 125 pragRhy/a
- to be kept apart
- pragRhya
- grabbed and
- 127 prAgry/aA
- chief principal, most excellent
- 129 prAha
- says, said
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prahAra >>>