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prahAra ... pramuJcatR

0 prahAr/a
blow, hit
1 prahar/a
three hours, a watch (of the night)
2 praharaN/aA
3 prAhar/at
he threw
4 prahar/ati
he attacks, hits
5 prahar/atR
6 prahAr/iN
7 prahariS/yati
he will fight
11 praharSay/atR
cheering (them)
12 prahartavy/aA
should be attached, should be hit
13 prahart/R
attacker, injurer
14 prAhas/at
he laughed
15 prahas/atR
smiling, laughing (openly ?)
16 prahAsiSam
(so that I don't) perish (inj of pra hA)
17 prahAsiSus
let them not abandon (hA + luG jhi, inj)
18 prahasitvA
laughed openly and
19 prahast/a
20 prahasya
laughed and, smiled and
21 prahAs/yati
he will leave
25 prAhiNod
threw, hurled, sent, appointed
26 prAhiNvam
I threw, hurled, sent, appointed
27 prahit/aA
sent, appointed
29 prahlAd/a
pn (of an asura, a.k.a. prahrAda)
31 prahrAd/a
pn (of an asura, a.k.a. prahlAda)
32 prAhrAd/i
descendant of prahrAda (like virocana, ilvala )
33 prahRST/a
gladdened, happy, cheerful;
(said of hair) standing on end
34 prahRSy/ati
is happy
35 prahRSy/atR
rejoicing, in joy
37 prAhus
they say
38 prahv/aA
bowing (with hands joined in token of respect)
39 praihi
go! (maybe misspelling for prehi = pra + iN' + hi''')
40 praikS/ata
he saw
41 praiSay/at
he sent
42 praita
advance! (y'all)
43 praj/aA
f creature, living being;
(f, the sg may have plural meaning) subjects of a king, citizens
46 prajahAsa
he laughed
48 prajahAti
gives up
50 prajahihi
give up!
51 prajahrAte
both attacked (hR)
53 prajajJe
she conceived, gave birth, originated
54 prajajJire
they were born
55 prajajJus
they conceived, gave birth, originated
56 prajajvAla
blazed forth
57 prajAkAm/a
desirous of offspring
58 prajan/a
procreation, reproduction, multiplication
59 prajAnAti
knows, figures out
60 prajApat/i
pn (see WP Prajapati)
61 prAjApaty/a
related to the prajApatis;
the rohiNI nakSatra (see WP List of Nakshatras)
62 prajavit/aA
driven on, impelled
63 prajAy/ate
(causes to be born:) impregnates, begets; gives birth to
64 prajihIrS/ati
he wants to attack (pra + hR)
65 prAjJ/aA
f intelligence, understanding
66 prajJ/aA
f wisdom, common sense;
wise, learned man
67 prAJjal/i
that is doing the aJjali, that is joining palms
68 prajJapt/i
69 prAjJAy/ata
it was recognised
70 prajJAy/ata
he was not noticed ( ? should be prAjJAyata ? ? )
71 prajval/atR
shining, ablaze
72 prajvalit/a
73 prajvAlya
burn and;
shine and
75 prakamp/aA
m trembling or violent motion, quaking, staggering
76 prAkamp/ata
he trembled, shook
77 prakampay/atR
agitating, making (it) shake
78 prakampit/aA
shaken, made to tremble
79 prAkAr/a
82 prakarS/a
(m.) something excellent, outstanding, pre-eminent
83 prakarS/ati
he drags along, he leads (an army)
84 prakarS/atR
85 prakarSitum
to stretch
89 prakAz/a
glow, glory, resplandor
90 prakAz/aA
(latter) having the appearance of, looking like, resembling;
m clear, manifest, open, public;
clearness, brightness, splendour, lustre, light
91 prakAzak/a
illuminating, enlightening
92 prakAzam
93 prakAzan/a
(act of) displaying
94 prakAz/ata
he shone, appeared as, shone
95 prakAz/ate
he shines, appears as, shines
96 prakAz/ati
he shines, appears as, shines
97 prakAz/atR
98 prakAzay/ate
he appears, displays himself, comes out of the closet
99 prakAzay/ati
illuminates, shines on it, makes it visible, makes it known, reveals it, makes it public
101 prakAzit/aA
lighted up, illuminated, made clear, revealed
103 prakhy/aA
visible, clear ;
(latter) that looks like ;
f appearance, looks
104 prakhyAt/aA
107 prakir/atR
scattering, emitting (kRR)
108 prakIrN/aA
110 prakIrtay/ati
he narrates
111 prakop/a
113 prakram/ate
he starts
116 prAkroz/at
he cried
117 prakRST/aA
excellent, eminent, distinguished, great leader;
drawn out, stretched, lengthened
118 prAkRt/a
ordinary, common, average, vulgar, primitive;
Prakrit ( ? pra or prA ? )
119 prakRt/a
original subject, present case principal, chief, relevant to the main topic under discussion;
planned, desired;
common, original, vulgar, primitive;
common soldiers ( ? pra or prA ? )
121 prakRt/i
f subject (of a king) (of either sex), commoner (not noble);
f Matter, Nature, the material world (opp. puruSa 'consciousness')
122 prakRtij/aA
springing from nature, inborn, innate
123 prakRtyA
by nature, naturally
124 prakSAlan/a
125 prakSAlay/atR
washing off
126 prakSAlya
washed and
127 prakSar/ati
he oozes out
128 prakS/yati
he will ask
130 prakuruSva
do!, make!
131 prakurvanti
they put (them) in front
132 pralabdh/aA
(was) deceived
133 pralabdhavy/aA
might be deceived
134 pralamb/a
135 pralambh/a
136 pralAp/a
prattling, chattering, useless talking
137 pralap/atR
138 pralapt/a
prated, chattered, talked about
139 pralay/a
dissolution, end
140 pralIy/ate
melts away, disappears
141 pramAd/a
madness, carelessness, mistake
142 pramad/aA
f pleasure, entertainment;
m joy, pleasure, delight
143 pramAd/in
careless, foolish
145 pramAN/a
an authority (the one who should decide what to do)
146 pramANakoT/I
pn (of a palace)
149 pramApay/ati
kills, attacks (root mI)
150 pramarditum
to crush (mRd)
151 pramArj/ati
he wipes off, disposes of
152 pramAth/in
powerful, stirring about, tearing, rending;
harassing, annoying, tormenting (same as pramathin)
153 pramath/in
powerful, stirring about, tearing, rending;
harassing, annoying, tormenting (same as pramAthin)
154 pramathit/a
(was) destroyed
155 pramathnIta
attack! (pramath + znA + loT tha)
156 pramathya
by force
157 pramatt/aA
mad, drunken;
inattentive, careless, heedless, negligent, forgetful of (fifth)
159 pramIy/ate
is annihilated (mI mInAti mInoti)
161 pramRdn/atR
devastating, destroying
162 pramRdya
crusehed down and
163 pramRjya
washed off and
164 pramucy/ate
is released
165 pramUDh/aA
gone mad
166 pramudit/a
167 pramuJc/ati
168 pramuJc/atR
shooting, letting go, shouting


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